The Limited Times

Luc Ferry: "Why are social networks a game-changer?"

2/19/2020, 7:47:44 PM

CHRONICLE - To pretend that social networks are neutral and that they bring nothing new is absurd. They offer dissemination possibilities which technically escape any truly effective regulation.

Imagine that a hacker seizes the content of the 77 million mobile phones circulating in France today and that, for good measure, he also hacked all our computers. What could he find there? Unless they are those of Mother Teresa and sister Emmanuelle, it is likely that he would have enough to blackmail three quarters of the French population, and this for a very simple reason: we do not behave and we do not use not the same language in private and in public.

Read also: How social media came into our lives

Hypocrisy? Not at all. It is on the contrary very fortunate, because it is what is called civility. The fact that we are aware that in public we could shock or even hurt if we express ourselves on such and such a person, on such and such a subject as in private, is the very mark of civilization. I would add that if we were filmed in our bedrooms or in our bathrooms, I doubt that we would be delighted to see the result projected on the big screen or published on

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