The Limited Times

Mauricio Macri visited a child with terminal cancer who wanted to eat a hot dog with him

2/19/2020, 8:02:50 PM

The former President arrived at noon at the Pedro de Elizalde hospital to fulfill the dream of the 4-year-old boy.

02/19/2020 - 16:42

  • Clarí
  • Politics

Of absolute surprise and privately, former President Mauricio Macri reappeared publicly on Wednesday when visiting a child hospitalized with terminal cancer who wanted to meet him . The meeting took place at the Pedro de Elizalde hospital (former Casa Cuna), in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Constitución.

As it transpired, little Romeo - 4 years old and Boca fan - wanted to fulfill one of his wishes before he died: eat a hot dog with the former head of state , something that was captured in a photo that quickly began to circulate in social networks .

Macri, eating a hot dog next to the boy who wanted to meet him.

The cheerleader and child singer Adriana would have been in charge of building bridges between the family of the child and Macri. “She called Juliana and told her the wish of this little boy. She told Mauricio and that's why she went to the hospital this afternoon, "sources close to the former president quoted by the newspaper La Nación said.

Macri, visiting Pedro Elizalde hospital to fulfill a boy's dream.

After the visit to the child, the former head of the Buenos Aires government toured the health center and greeted the health professionals who work there.

Macri, during his encounter with Romeo.

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