The Limited Times

Public viewing in the evening should be possible at the EM

2/19/2020, 9:38:49 AM

Berlin (dpa) - Football fans should be allowed to enjoy the games together outside until late in the evening during the European Championship in summer.

Berlin (dpa) - Football fans should be allowed to enjoy the games together outside until late in the evening during the European Championship in summer.

As before the other major tournaments, the federal government has decided to relax the noise protection rules in order to enable public viewing. Broadcasts of the European Championship matches on large screens outdoors can thus be allowed during the tournament even after 10 p.m. The cities and municipalities always decide on the individual case, so it must not automatically be loud everywhere. It is also only about public events.

The states still have to agree in the Federal Council, but they asked for the regulation - their yes is therefore a matter of form.

The European Championship takes place from June 12th to July 12th in twelve different countries. The exceptions should apply all the time, so that games with kick-off at 9:00 p.m. can also be shown outside. Normally, for so-called rare events from 10 p.m., only noise up to 55 decibels is permitted. Because this limit is usually exceeded when watching football on fan miles and in beer gardens, there have always been exceptions to major tournaments since the 2006 World Cup in Germany.

Noise from Sports Facilities Protection Ordinance

Leisure noise guideline of the country working group for pollution control