The Limited Times

Trump has offered to pardon Assange if he clears Russia of Democratic leaks

2/19/2020, 7:38:44 PM

Defense for Julian Assange, threatened with extradition to the United States, said on Wednesday that Donald Trump offered the founder of Wikileaks to pardon him if he said that Russia is not involved in the internal email leak. to the American Democratic Party. This assertion was made Thursday, February 19 in British justice, at a hearing before the examination of the request for extradition to the United States of the Australian of 48 years, which must begin from next Monday. The decision should not be made for several months.

Also: WikiLeaks: Julian Assange's extradition hearing set for February 2020

During this hearing Wednesday, where Assange appeared by video conference, his defense cited a document in which his lawyer Jennifer Robinson affirms that this proposal of the American president was formulated through the intermediary of the American republican deputy Dana Rohrabacher, according to l press agency (PA).

The document states that Mr. Rohrabacher "went to see Mr. Assange and told him, on the President's instructions, that he was offering him a pardon or some other solution, if Mr. Assange ... said that Russia has not nothing to do with the leaks from the Democratic Party, "according to PA. The judge considered that this evidence was admissible. Julian Assange's lawyer could not be reached by AFP.

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U.S. intelligence has established that Democratic emails were hacked by Russian hackers as part of a Moscow campaign to influence the U.S. presidential election, where Donald Trump faced rival Democrat Hilary Clinton.

Wikileaks had published in 2016, at a key moment in the campaign, thousands of hacked emails from the Democratic Party and the Hillary Clinton team, which helped to discredit the candidate.

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Detained in Belmarsh, south London since his arrest in April 2019 at the Embassy of Ecuador, Julian Assange is claimed by Washington. He faces up to 175 years in prison in the United States for espionage.

The American authorities reproach him for having endangered some of their sources at the time of the publication in 2010 of 250,000 diplomatic cables and around 500,000 confidential documents relating to the activities of the American army in Iraq and Afghanistan. There are no lawsuits against him for email leaks from the Democratic Party.

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