The Limited Times

Crimi: shoot Renzi is bad for the country

2/21/2020, 5:59:45 PM

"I am worried about the country, when Renzi makes these shots and goes sideways on everything, it doesn't hurt me, Conte or the government, but the country". So the political leader M5S Vito Crimi in Naples. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - NAPLES, FEBRUARY 21 - "I am worried about the country, when Renzi makes these shots and goes sideways on everything, it doesn't hurt me, the Count or the government, but the country".
So the political leader M5S Vito Crimi in Naples. "If we had not had that sense of responsibility - he adds - to understand that the country is in a difficult situation and that we must join forces, we would not have made this government". "We are not here to attract, we have to do the interest of the citizens and the Italians and we are only interested in that. On the 2023 agenda we put the things we need on the field, growth, innovation, minimum wages and we work on this, the rest are solopolemic" . As for the clarifying meeting between Matteo Renzie Giuseppe Conte, Crimi considers him "a duty seen as he has Renzi tones". "He did everything - he added -. Yesterday he spoke about this meeting with Conte saying that the meeting can put an end to the theater, he himself defined what he did."