The Limited Times

Greta Thunberg in Hamburg - Violent accusations against politicians: "Decision-makers still behave like this, ..."

2/21/2020, 7:47:57 PM

Will this celebrity visit benefit the Greens in the Hamburg elections? Greta Thunberg visited the Hanseatic city - and sharply criticized politicians.

Will this celebrity visit benefit the Greens in the Hamburg elections? Greta Thunberg visited the Hanseatic city - and sharply criticized politicians.

  • Greta Thunberg is participating in a Fridays for Future demo in Hamburg.
  • The visit takes place two days before the Hamburg elections.
  • The motto of the Friday demo is "Hamburg chooses climate" .

Update at 6:25 p.m .: In her speech during the Hamburg Fridays for Future demonstration , Greta Thunberg made violent allegations to politicians and decision-makers who, in their opinion, are not doing enough to protect the climate. “The decision makers are still behaving as if everything was good. And science is still ignored, ”criticized Thunberg on Friday. She said further: "This is 2020, and we have to see real action now ." The crisis is here and now and not in the distant future.

Greta Thunberg in Hamburg: "We are tired of being constantly left out"

"We are tired of being left out, " complained the 17-year-old. She doesn't know how politicians can look their children in the eye while stealing their future. But Thunberg also had a positive message for her audience: "If enough people join in to drive change, then change can succeed," she predicted.

Update at 5:51 p.m .: According to the police, a total of around 20,000 participants attended the climate demonstration two days before the general election in Hamburg . First there was a stage program with the Hamburg band Fettes Brot, then the demonstrators moved from Heiligengeistfeld towards the city center. Both Greta Thunberg and German climate activist Luisa Neubauer will also give a speech at a final rally.

Greta Thunberg in Hamburg: 10,000 participants were on site at the start of the climate demo

Update 15:25: "We are sad, we are angry," Yavuz said Feroglu from Kurdish umbrella organization Nav-Dem in Hamburg. He was one of the thousands of students who took a minute's silence at the start of the climate demonstrations in the city. In doing so, they commemorated the victims of the allegedly racially motivated violence in Hanau, Hesse .

The police spoke of about 10,000 participants at the start with further influx. After the opening rally, the demonstrators wanted to move through downtown Hamburg. Greta Thunberg meanwhile posted a picture from Hamburg's St. Pauli district:

Check out this post on Instagram

School strike week 79. Hamburg. #fridaysforfuture # schoolstrike4climate #climatestrike

A post shared by Greta Thunberg (@gretathunberg) on ​​Feb 21, 2020 at 6:18 pm PST

Two days before the Hamburg elections , numerous politicians also came to the demo, including the Green leaders Robert Habeck and Annalena Baerbock and the green Hamburg leading candidate Katharina Fegebank .

Greta Thunberg in Hamburg: Senator sees "increased risk of terrorism" - activist demands panic room

Update 12:04: Because of the bloody deed in Hanau, the police increase their protective measures at the "Fridays For Future" demo with Greta Thunberg in Hamburg. "After Hanau, we have to assume an increased risk of right-wing terrorist attacks nationwide," tweeted Hamburg's Senator for the Interior Andy Grote (SPD) . The police would therefore increase their presence.

But this is done "as a precaution", emphasized Grote. "Especially in these times" the right of assembly must be protected and used. The climate demonstration with Greta Thunberg should start in the Hanseatic city on Friday afternoon.

According to #Hanau, we have to assume an increased risk of right-wing terrorist attacks nationwide. As a precaution, we increased the @PolizeiHamburg presence for @fff_hamburg today. Especially in these times: use and protect the basic right of assembly!

- Andy Grote (@AndyGrote) February 21, 2020

First report: Greta Thunberg demonstrates in Hamburg - her team has a question for the fire department

Hamburg - A "panic room" usually has an armored door, unbreakable windows and ventilation. Those who feel threatened can withdraw here - and obviously Greta Thunberg (17) would like to have such a possibility given during her visit to Hamburg. reports that they received this information and then it was confirmed by security circles in Hamburg.

Thunberg's Swedish security team had therefore inquired whether the former central outpatient clinic for drunks (ZAB) on Glacischaussee was available - "as a safe room for Greta Thunberg." "This call amazed the staff," said The Hamburg fire brigade had already refused because they needed the premises, the report said. 400 police officers would be on hand to ensure safety during the demo shortly before the 2020 Hamburg election.

Greta supporters in Hamburg: citizenship election "no regional thing"

The activists think that the election on February 23 is not a regional matter, but a very important accent for climate policy across Germany. "The visit by Greta Thunberg shows that Fridays for Future, like the climate crisis, does not stick to national borders and that Hamburg will be the focus of European attention on the day," said Fridays for Future co-organizer Arnaud Boehmann .

We got another funky rap for you! # HamburgW WahlKlima # moin2102

- Fridays for Future Hamburg ⚓️ (@fff_hamburg) February 12, 2020

The motto of the demo this Friday is "Hamburg chooses climate" . The movement initiated by Thunberg requires politicians to make more efforts to reduce CO2 emissions . It should start at 12 o'clock. A speech by Thunberg is expected, and the Hamburg hip-hop group Fettes Brot has also announced. Fridays for Future said it expected 30,000 participants.

Greta Thunberg in Hamburg: "School strike or green campaign help?"

Observers believe that the visit of the prominent climate activists could help the Hamburg Greens in the election. “School strike or green campaign help?” Asks the Spiegel portal bento , for example. Hamburg is considered a stronghold of the climate protection movement. It is not Thunberg's first visit to the city: On March 1, 2019, the Swedish climate activist was already at a demo in the Hanseatic city. She has already organized two demonstrations in Hamburg with 100,000 and 50,000 participants.


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