The Limited Times

HSG Würm-Mitte II is pushing for a preliminary decision in the title fight: top game at SC Weßling

2/21/2020, 3:54:37 PM

With a win at SC Weßling, the women's reserve of HSG Würm-Mitte can make the Landesliga promotion almost perfect. But the second in the table is a power at home.

With a win at SC Weßling, the women's reserve of HSG Würm-Mitte can make the Landesliga promotion almost perfect. But the second in the table is a power at home.

Würmtal - Actually, the handball players of HSG Würm-Mitte II could start their game with chasers SC Weßling quite relaxed (Saturday, 4pm, Meilinger Weg). Even in the event of a defeat, the undisputed district league leaders with 29: 1 points would still have an extremely comfortable starting position in the fight for promotion to the Landesliga; the second-placed hosts already have eight minus points on their account.

Nevertheless, Benedikt Waterloo, coach of the small wild cats, makes it unmistakably clear: "We absolutely want to win." It would be a pleasure for the former Weßlinger Enya Kweta to give her old club a sense of achievement. But more importantly, a win would be the final decision in the title fight. "There is no reason to make it unnecessarily exciting," emphasizes Waterloo.

Würm Mitte coach Waterloo warns of “incredibly strong home” SCW

The HSG Reserve has so far adhered to this motto in an impressive manner. The strong and, above all, balanced team is still without defeat seven games before the end of the season, even if a strong effort was necessary the previous week at 22:21 against third in the table, Eichenauer SV.

Now probably the hardest game of the season is waiting. Seven wins and a draw is the home record of, according to Waterloo, "incredibly strong at home" Weßlinger. "They are one of the teams that perform most consistently, because they have been playing together for ages and have had the same coach for a long time," analyzes Waterloo, who warns his team against the defensive 6-0 defense and their own pace builds.

During the training, Waterloo already recognized the anticipation to face the difficult task: "It's just more fun when you have to give 100 percent." Although the Bayernliga team has no play, he trusts, except for the regular second team anyway used Annika König, completely on her own squad. Emma Bohl and Tamara Quandt are missing due to injury or work. But Andrea Pranjkovic, one of the most dangerous throwers, and Katharina Schneider, a second goalkeeper, join the team again.
