The Limited Times

Klingbeil: The constitutional protection must be active against AfD

2/21/2020, 11:59:58 PM

Berlin (dpa) - After the act of violence by Hanau, SPD general secretary Lars Klingbeil continues to push harder towards the AfD. Klingbeil accused the Thuringian AfD politician Björn Höcke of using his speeches as a "catalyst for right-wing terrorism like in Hanau".

Berlin (dpa) - After the act of violence by Hanau, SPD general secretary Lars Klingbeil continues to push harder towards the AfD. Klingbeil accused the Thuringian AfD politician Björn Höcke of using his speeches as a "catalyst for right-wing terrorism like in Hanau".

"And that's why the Office for the Protection of the Constitution has to take action," said Klingbeil of the German Press Agency in Berlin. When asked whether the Office for the Protection of the Constitution should also be active with V-people, Klingbeil said: "The experts have to decide how this should look like."

When asked whether the AfD could present itself as a victim to such demands, Klingbeil said: "Anyone who, as a party, covers, tolerates and even supports people like Björn Höcke in his own ranks is not a victim, he is a perpetrator." In the AfD are agitators and splitters. "They are proven fascists, racists and Nazis." The SPD politician said: "If we stand up together, not just as parties, but also as civil society, then we have a chance in the fight against racism. And ultimately in the fight against the AfD."

The fight against the right must be a priority in Germany. "I expect that from all political actors and the security authorities," said Klingbeil. "It has to be about discovering the right parallel worlds and disarming all actors in this environment."