The Limited Times

The autopsy determined that the 4-year-old boy killed in Puerto Deseado was not thrown from a cliff

2/21/2020, 9:15:08 PM

In the case there are two detainees. One fell after an operation in a neighborhood called La Favela and the other was delayed in Caleta Olivia.

02/21/2020 - 17:59

  • Clarí
  • Society

The autopsy on the body of the 4-year-old boy in the Santa Cruz district of Puerto Deseado determined that he died as a result of "multiple injuries" caused by a blunt element. This was confirmed this Friday by the Minister of Security of Santa Cruz, Lisandro De la Torre, who rejected the versions that indicate that the victim was thrown from a cliff.

"The autopsy performed in the town of Puerto Deseado determined that the cause of death was the result of multiple head injuries, with a blunt element ," said De la Torre.

Then, he added that "at no time there was a fall of the person, but that the place where we estimate (that he was killed), according to the evidence we collected so far and through the investigations he carried out criminalism, was meters away from where the body was found. "

Meanwhile, the provincial official said that the investigators of the case carried out this afternoon a raking in the surrounding areas to the place where the incident occurred and an expert report with criminalistics personnel.

"There was a raking in the surrounding areas and around the perimeter and at this time there is an additional expertise in place of the fact with the people of crime," said the head of the provincial security portfolio.

"We have held a meeting with the judge in charge of the case, with the mayor and with Social Development people to internalize the progress of the case and make ourselves available to the family, both the victim and their families," said De tower.

The minister stressed that in the case "the highest authorities of the Police and with reinforcement personnel are working to deepen all the lines of investigation."

"The governor (Alicia Kirchner) asked us to make ourselves available to this case and work in tune with the Judiciary. The State is working with everything and I want to highlight professionalism and the degree of commitment in the work," said the provincial official .

Regarding the detainees, De la Torre said that "there are two people who are available to justice and the connection with the investigation is being evaluated. There are evidentiary elements with which they are reached ."

Source: Télam