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US report: Seniors tell Sanders that Russia is helping him in presidential campaign - Walla! News

2/21/2020, 10:44:51 PM

Officials involved in the issue reported that Moscow is doing so as part of the effort to intervene in the US election. This is in the light of reports that officials have warned the US Congress against intervention ...

U.S. Report: Senior officials told Sanders that Russia is helping him in a presidential campaign

Officials involved in the issue reported that Moscow is doing so as part of the effort to intervene in the US election. This is in light of reports that officials have warned the US Congress against Russia's intervention in President Trump's election. "I don't care who Putin wants as president," the senator said

U.S. Report: Senior officials told Sanders that Russia is helping him in a presidential campaign

Photo: Reuters, edited by Asaf Drury

(In video: Senator Sanders defeated small gap in primaries in New Hampshire)

U.S. officials have told Senator Bernie Sanders that Russia is trying to help its presidential campaign as part of an effort to get involved in elections - a report by People of the Washington Post said Friday. "I don't care, honestly, who Putin wants to see as president," Sanders said in response. "My message to Putin is clear: stay away from the US elections, and as president I will make sure you do."

The senator also added that "in 2016 Russia used Internet propaganda to sow controversy in our country, and my understanding is that they will do so again in 2020. Some of the ugly things on the Internet attributed to our campaign may not come from real supporters."

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Reporting: Intelligence officials have warned that Russians are working for Trump

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"Russia is doing it again in 2020". Senator Sanders, California (Photo: Reuters)

U.S. Senator and one of Democratic presidential candidates Bernie Sanders in a speech in Santa Ana, California. February 21, 2020. (Photo: Reuters)

The news of Russia's intervention in Sanders's campaign comes after the New York Times report on Thursday night, Thursday, which intelligence officials warned last week that the US Congress was trying to intervene in the election campaign to try to reelect incumbent President Donald Trump.

Despite reports so far, it is unclear what steps Russia has attempted to intervene. U.S. prosecutors found an attempt to use social media to step up Sanders' campaign against Hillary Clinton in 2016, part of a broader effort to hurt Clinton, sow opposition among U.S. voters and ultimately help Donald Trump's election.