The Limited Times

Abortion, debt, Justice and retirees, axes of the presidential message of March 1

2/22/2020, 11:41:52 PM

In La Rosada they affirm that Alberto Fernández's tone will be firm, although conciliatory. Gesture to the Church for abortion.

Ignacio Ortelli

02/22/2020 - 20:27

  • Clarí
  • Politics

Despite the insistence of his friends who recommend more modern and lightweight models, Alberto Fernández is reluctant to change an old laptop that clings to special events. For someone who boasts of being "analog", the argument is simple: there you have everything you need to work, your mail and a word processor that in recent days was more active than usual. Is that the President advances in the assembly of his speech for March 1, by the opening of ordinary sessions of Congress: the renegotiation of debt, the legalization of abortion and judicial reform will be excluding axes of a message that will return have an "anti-cracking" tone, as Clarín was confirmed from the presidential environment.

Strictly speaking, with his imprint as a university professor, Fernández first writes handwriting ; and then, with the concept already elaborated, he sits at his computer and transcribes.

Last Thursday, the office of the chief of staff, Santiago Cafiero, hosted a meeting on the subject. The coordinating minister receives reports from each ministry and then prepares his own return for the President.

Cafiero is part of a limited group of collaborators that has an influence on the speech prepared by Fernández. In that list, which are part of the Legal and Technical Secretary, Vilma Ibarra; and the chief advisor, Juan Manuel Olmos; excels the secretary of Strategic Affairs, Gustavo Beliz; whose relevance within the albertista government is inversely proportional to its level of public exposure. The "cover" that contributes to the presidential speech is the anthropologist Alejandro Grimson, member of the Council of Advisors, who won the attention of the president in recent times.

Although in the presidential environment they say that until the last moment "it can change" and that "surely there will be some surprise", some axes have already taken shape.

The debt chapter will be one of the main points in economic matters. The President will take advantage of the wink he received from the IMF to vindicate the Government's position regarding the renegotiation with the agency and with private bondholders. Without a spirit of confrontation or revenge, they clarify close to you, he will be in charge of expressing firmly the delicate economic situation that, he considers, left the macro management. Alberto F. would resort to emblematic examples that his team found in these months to summarize that heritage.

In that sense, in Casa Rosada they glimpse that the tone of the discourse will not be combative, but conciliatory , "similar to December 10", and similarly they expect a respectful reception from the legislators. "The same also depends on the opposition: Fernando Iglesias is not the same as the group of (Emilio) Monzó and (the head of the Buenos Aires government, Horacio Rodríguez) Larreta," they differ.

With what is expected to be a massive mobilization of the PJ in front of the Congress, Alberto F. will also work to reinforce his “anti-cracking” message and the idea of ​​summoning the unity of all Argentines, a discursive line that was responsible for feeding in the last days, with public appearances with opposition leaders like Roberto Lavagna and Ricardo Alfonsín.

Another of the topics that Alberto F. will address is retirement. He will insist that in an economic emergency situation, his concern was to help those who have less; and that will reward the rest when you get out of the crisis.

In his attempt to mark the parliamentary agenda, the head of state will urge Congress to discuss a new formula for retirement mobility, after appointing the members of the commission that has the task of drafting a new project before June to replace the old regime that the President described as "unpayable."

The elimination of the “privilege” retirements of the judges, which would be approved this Thursday in Deputies, will be part of the chapter dedicated to judicial reform that Alberto F. worked with the Minister of Justice, Marcela Losardo; and Beliz himself. The idea is to expand the jurisdiction of other jurisdictions, to liquify the power of Comodoro Py, and accelerate the implementation of the accusatory system, in which the prosecutor carries the investigation of the case and the judge becomes a mere guarantor of the process .

There will also be an outstanding mention of the imminent sending of two projects linked to the abortion debate, in which the ministers Ginés González García (Health), Elizabeth Gómez Alcorta (Women) and Daniel Arroyo (Social Development) work: one that provides for legalization of termination of pregnancy; and another of sustainable maternity, called "Plan of the 1000 days", which will guarantee assistance for two years to women who in conditions of socioeconomic vulnerability decide to continue their pregnancy. In the Government they believe it will serve to reaffirm that it is a debate on public health and moderate criticism of the Church.