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Weather: Storm low over Germany - Carnival parades canceled - Tree falls on floats

2/23/2020, 7:30:16 PM

The weather in Germany remains changeable. It gets really uncomfortable at Carnival - there is a DWD warning. There is sad news for carnival friends.

The weather in Germany remains changeable. It gets really uncomfortable at Carnival - there is a DWD warning. There is sad news for carnival friends.

  • The weather * in Germany is going crazy: sun, wind, rain.
  • Wind and rain must still be expected.
  • A hurricane threatens on Sunday.

Update from February 23, 8:09 pm: Severe gusts of wind , in higher altitudes even hurricane gusts - storm depression "Yulia" sweeps across large parts of Germany. The German Weather Service also published numerous warnings (see below). Carnival parades were also canceled in several cities (see below).

In Cologne, the deep storm dropped a tree weighing several tons. It almost came to a disaster, because the tree fell on a float that was on its way to setting up the carnival parade in Cologne's Stammheim district. As the Cologne fire brigade reports on Twitter, there were no people in the car at the time. "Great luck in Stammheim," the emergency services tweet.

Great # luck in Stammheim! On the way to the installation of the carnival procession in Stammheim, heavy #tree falls on #festive car! No people on the float at this time. Nobody #injured! #Firefighters repair damage. #koelninfo #feuerwehr #Rosenmontag

- Fire Department Cologne (@Feuerwehr_Koeln) February 23, 2020

Weather: Violent gusts of wind over Germany - Carnival parades canceled!

Update from February 23, 3:34 p.m .: Several storm warnings have also been issued for Bavaria *. The Free State is affected by hurricane gusts of up to 130 km / h. Bavarian carnival clubs also had to draw conclusions.

Update from February 23, 11:10 am: Bad news for the carnival is now also available in Cologne : The city canceled the Schullz and Veedelszöch on Sunday due to the strong wind. "To protect all participants and all jokes on the train path, the Zöch cannot take place," said the city. The move falls completely into the water. Initially, the only plan was to start and shorten the tour earlier.

Weather: Carnival parades are canceled due to storm gusts

Update from February 23, 10.30 a.m .: Sad news for carnival friends: Due to the heavy storm gusts that are expected on Sunday, the organizers have canceled the popular Kö-bustle on Sunday in the carnival stronghold Düsseldorf . The popular carnival parade on Königsallee cannot take place this year, as the Comitee Düsseldorfer Carneval announced on Sunday. A little ray of hope: The Rosenmontagszug , however, is not endangered.

In Cologne , the Schull and Veedelszöch, attended by hundreds of thousands of onlookers, were to take place on Sunday - but in a slimmed down version. Several small moves have been canceled or are smaller. The Cologne Carnival Festival Committee announced that it was assumed that it would be possible to move through the city "as planned". The Rosenmontagszug in Cologne is less susceptible to storms than the Düsseldorf with its high motif cars.

Uncomfortable weather: Severe storms continue to plague Germany

Update of February 23, 9:15 a.m .: The German Weather Service did not give the all-clear for the weather on Sunday morning. This can lead to severe storms in southern and central Germany , some of which can even sweep across the country as hurricane gusts. In the evening, these can also occasionally reach the east of the country. Storm gale or hurricane gusts must also be adjusted in the higher mountains.

In North Rhine-Westphalia , the DWD warned of gusts of wind up to wind force nine. There will probably be particularly violent gusts around Aachen . In addition, heavy rain between 30 and 40 liters can be expected in many regions, which continues almost continuously.

In some regions, the second highest warning level applies. You can find out how your situation is here at


The red warning applies in some regions - it is the second highest level.


Update from February 22, 5:14 p.m .: Bad news for jecken: Because of the bad weather forecast , the first carnival clubs in Saxony and North Rhine-Westphalia have canceled their moves planned for Sunday. The German Weather Service warns in large parts of Germany of storm gusts. These can occur at speeds between 60 km / h and 75 km / h from the south-west. Continuous rain is also possible. The official warning of continuous rain is currently valid until tomorrow Sunday, the warning of storm gusts until Saturday evening, 8 p.m.

The carnival procession through Essen-Kettwig, which was canceled on Saturday afternoon, is affected by the cancellations. In Salzkotten in the Paderborn district, too, the decision was made to cancel the train for safety reasons. The carnival association Blau-Weiß in the Scharmede district announced on its website that it might want to make up for the move in the spring. As an alternative to the jokes , the carnival party in the local shooting gallery was brought forward to 2 p.m. Several media had previously reported on the cancellation of the move. In Strehla , Saxony, the carnival parade planned for Sunday is also canceled due to the weather.

Weather in Germany: Another hurricane? DWD with urgent warning - no all-clear for the time being

Update from February 22, 11:42 am: Especially in the north, west and in the middle of Germany, a stormy southwest wind whirls on Saturday, heavy gusts of wind and occasionally even gale gusts through the country. As the German Meteorological Service now explains, the all-clear can hardly be expected in the night to Sunday. Accordingly, severe gale to hurricane gusts would occur in the south and in the mountains on Sunday.

Update from February 21, 5.44 p.m .: While it is still calm in southern Germany on Saturday morning, it is already storming in the middle of the country. In northern Germany , Saturday begins with a few heavy gusts of wind , and even hurricane gusts on the North Sea. The Weather Channel reports .

Heavy gale gusts threaten on the Brocken on Saturday. The stormy weather then reaches the Alps by evening. There are gusts of wind between 65 and 85 km / h. Then it gets really uncomfortable: "Beware of the weather on Sunday," writes The Weather Channel. The storm low expected over Germany can develop into a full- blown hurricane , gusts with hurricane strength can be the result. Southern Lower Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia, Brandenburg, Berlin, Saxony-Anhalt, Saxony and Thuringia could be particularly affected.

In Schleswig-Holstein - just north of the low - there could be wet snow . As the portal further reports, due to the large amounts of precipitation in the north on Sunday there could suddenly be "a white surprise".

Weather in Germany: DWD with sobering weekend forecast

Announcement of origin from February 21, 11:23 p.m.

Munich - The big onset of winter * is still a long time coming - and will probably remain so for the time being. On the other hand, there are growing indications that early spring is more likely. Last but not least, the mild temperatures of the past few weeks suggest an early temperature explosion.

But the changeable weather still seems to thwart the pleasant temperatures . A carnival event on Thursday in Düsseldorf even had to be interrupted at short notice. Caution is still required for the coming days.

Weather in Germany: Expect bad weather even on weekends

Storm gusts and stiff breezes * must be expected across Germany in the coming days. As the German Weather Service announced on Friday, the weather in the north in particular should remain volatile and changeable. On the North Sea, in the low mountain ranges and also in the Alps , storm gusts must also be expected on Friday. In the night to Saturday even gale gusts could occasionally occur.

Weather in Germany: Temperatures climb in southern Germany

Carnival and carnival fans will probably not be able to escape the refreshing wind on Saturday . Occasionally, rain showers must be expected, while the thermometer on Saturday in Bavaria should climb to temperatures between eight and 15 degrees . According to the DWD , stormy gusts , rain and clouds must continue to be expected in northern Germany.

After the mild temperatures of the past week, a meteorologist is shocking with a sad long-term forecast . Will Germany have to do without snow in the coming years? But the forecast for summer does not seem to be more encouraging either. In the warm months, extreme weather conditions could affect Germany.

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

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