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Gerard Piqué: "In recent years the results have sustained the club"

2/24/2020, 7:48:40 PM

After a week convulsed by the hiring of the company I3 Ventures, the central Barcelona defends the role of the players while asking to focus on the ball

Gerard Piqué does not usually leave random public appearances. Whether via social networks, in a mixed zone or when asking to appear in the press room, Catalan leaves when he wants to leave a message. In San Paolo it was peace. Although he could not with his genius and left some details. After a hectic week, in which Cadena Ser revealed that the club had hired I3 Ventures, a digital marketing company to improve the president's reputation and discredit opponents, businessmen and players, Barça suspended the president's chief of staff and the figure of Bartomeu was questioned. The Catalan fan showed his discomfort to the mandamás as a loud whistle and an indisputable cloth in the last game against Eibar. And until this Tuesday, the only word in the locker room that was known was Messi's. "I see it strange that such a thing happens," said the captain, one of those affected by the I3 Ventures campaigns. The opinion of Piqué was missing, also on the target of the marketing company hired by the club.


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“If it bothered me? I would not know if it bothered me, ”said Piqué, about the negative messages that the club allegedly spread; “It gives me so much. Social networks are uncontrollable. ” Unlike Messi, the central did convince Bartomeu's explanations, which last week he met with the captains. "I saw him very affected," said the central. “But we have to do our job. In recent years, what has happened on the pitch has always been very important; The results have sustained the club. We have to do things well in the field, because if not, the waters do not go down calmly, ”he said insinuating that it was the players who have made up the shortcomings of the board.

He tried to clarify it. But without too much emphasis. “I don't know if the club is bad or well managed. I have no information for that. That will be said by the partner. One thing is what comes out in the press and another is what happens, whether it is true or not ... The most important thing is to win. We know. If we want to have peace of mind, the most important thing is to keep winning and play well ”, he finished, in an attempt to reduce tension. Although it took little to return to the load.

"Do you know what Pulcinella is?" Replied the player in the press room of the San Paolo stadium; “Here they know very well. He is a character in the Italian comedy. ” The Barca center sought, in his style, with humor, to reduce decibels in Barcelona. Pulcinellas , puppets, there are everywhere. I think we all are in some aspect of our lives, ”continued Piqué, who last week called a journalist puppet after he said on Twitter that“ Barça's partner is becoming less manipulable and smarter, and He knows exactly who wants to get to the club to use it for his media, political and economic interests. ” "In this case, it was evident," explained 3, who responded through the same social network; “All the people of power have their like-minded people, to whom information is passed to protect them. That's fine. Everyone does it. The issue is that when certain lines are passed, you have to step out. And that is what I wanted to do. ”

And Piqué returned to the initial message. “Let's turn the page. Everything that is not the ball will harm us, ”he concluded.

Barcelona arrives at San Paolo to face a Naples in the process of reconstruction. “I tell the players to wait for the best version of the opponent. It will be complicated for both of us, with alternatives. I wait for the best Naples, ”said Quique Setién. The Italian team defeated Liverpool in the group stage when Ancelotti was on the bench. And with Gattuso he won Juventus. "They have surpassed rivals of a lot of entity and surely they will give an extraordinary version." “Before the big ones, it grows,” added Piqué. He added: “This is the first time that Barça has come to this stadium. As a footballer you like to try new things. Naples has improved a lot lately. Surely it will be very complicated. ”

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