The Limited Times

Olympic Committee: "To consider the necessity of leaving the country" Israel today

2/24/2020, 4:30:28 PM

Following the Corona, the Olympic Committee circulated a document to athletes and called to consider leaving for competitions and training camps abroad for other industries

Following the Corona, the Olympic Committee distributed a document to athletes and called on unions and teams to consider leaving for competitions and training camps abroad

  • Peter Palchik


    Alan Shaver

The Israeli Olympic Committee on Monday instructed Olympic athletes and unions on how to follow the outbreak of the Corona virus.

Professor Danny Nemet, Medical Director of the Olympic Committee in Israel, and Professor Gal Dubanov Raz, Chairman of the Medical Committee of the Olympic Committee in Israel today issued a detailed document for the management of Israel's Olympic staff, professional teams and associations to deal with the new Corona virus disease and its decision. Travel to training camps and competitions around the world.

The document states that before departing to training camps or competitions abroad, the necessity of flight must be carefully considered, as compared to the potential risk of contagion and implications for the health and preparedness of athletes and staff.

Also, trips that are not essential to mainland China should be avoided and in any case, Hubei Province (including the city of Wahan) should not be reached. The Ministry of Health recommends that travel needs be considered for the following destinations: Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Thailand, Australia or Italy.

The document also states that many countries do not allow in-flight visitors to come from countries with the outbreak of the corona virus. Teams may find that they cannot enter or compete in some countries for the Olympic Games due to a previous visit to a country that has entered the list of morbidity risk destinations