The Limited Times

[Budget 2020] Chen Maobo sent money to reveal the past techniques and "features"

2/25/2020, 11:12:06 PM

In the past year, the market in Hong Kong has been hit by the impact of anti-revision storms and new coronavirus outbreaks. The public finally waited for the Financial Secretary, Chen Maobo, to announce a new Budget. Under the depression of the industry, it is rare for multiple political parties in the pan-democracy system to form a "cross-party consensus" and demand that the entire people send 10,000 yuan. Although the government has not been open to whether the "songkou" will comply with public opinion, it is widely estimated that the budget allocation of money is imperative this time. The DAB reminded the government earlier that the simplest and direct method should be used to avoid repeating the same mistakes. Last year's chaos of the Caring and Sharing Program. Since the reunification, the government has distributed 6,000 yuan for the entire population in 2011 and a maximum of 4,000 Hong Kong dollars through the Caring and Sharing Scheme in 2019. The application eligibility and administrative methods are very different. If it is the biggest common point, it is believed to be twice. It is the result of the government "knelt down" when public opinion rebounded.


Written by: Zheng Rong Di Lin Jian

2020-02-26 07:00

Last updated: 2020-02-26 07:00

In the past year, the market in Hong Kong has been hit by the impact of anti-revision storms and new coronavirus outbreaks. The public finally waited for the Financial Secretary, Chen Maobo, to announce a new Budget. Under the depression of the industry, it is rare for multiple political parties in the pan-democracy system to form a "cross-party consensus" and demand that the entire people send 10,000 yuan.

Although the government has not been open to whether the "songkou" will comply with public opinion, it is widely estimated that the budget allocation of money is imperative this time. The DAB reminded the government earlier that the simplest and direct method should be used to avoid repeating the same mistakes. Last year's chaos of the Caring and Sharing Program.

Since the reunification, the government has distributed 6,000 yuan for the entire population in 2011 and a maximum of 4,000 Hong Kong dollars through the Caring and Sharing Scheme in 2019. The application eligibility and administrative methods are very different. If it is the biggest common point, it is believed to be twice. It is the result of the government "knelt down" when public opinion rebounded.

In 2011, the then Financial Secretary Zeng Junhua decided to inject 6,000 yuan into the MPF account of citizens who earn less than 10,000 yuan a month in the budget.

Zeng Junhua launches Qian Xianhe

The government's treasury had a surplus of more than 100 billion yuan in 2011. The then Financial Secretary Zeng Junhua decided to return to the people in the budget, and introduced ten "money-paying" measures involving 44.1 billion yuan, including an average monthly income of less than 10,000 yuan. People's MPF accounts of RMB 6,000 yuan were injected into the fund. As a result, they were applauded for being unable to save the fire, and they ignored the interests of those without MPF accounts. Even the institutionalists tended to oppose the budget.

Application method: online submission

In the end, Zeng Junhua "kneeled down" announced that all the people will send money. On March 31, 2012, they will be 18 years old and have a Hong Kong permanent identity card. They will be eligible to set up an online application. The deadline is December 31, 2012. In order to divert administrative procedures, if you only apply for the second stage, you can get an extra 200 yuan, which can become a small feature of this money distribution.

At that time, the government distributed it to the citizens through banks, and the bank could recover a handling fee of 15 yuan for each application processed. The Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau announced in March 2013 that about 6.12 million people successfully registered, that is, a total of 37 billion yuan was paid, and bank fees (about 91 million yuan) were paid, plus the processing fees to Hongkong Post, Publicity, additional staffing to process applications, etc., totaled approximately 205.8 million yuan, which was costly.

Ways to save money: deposit into a bank account or get a check

Although Zeng Junhua's money was temporarily changed due to social pressure and there was no precedent to refer to, the implementation process was smooth. At that time, the government commissioned the Hong Kong Monetary Authority to hold a meeting with the bank to study and finalize that citizens with bank accounts can process applications and inject funds to the account by personal, mail or electronic bank submission, and generally receive the payment within about ten weeks after registration. ; Applicants who do not have a bank account in Hong Kong need to register and collect cheques at the post office. Generally, they will be notified to collect cheques at the post office within about 12 weeks.

Feature one: 2,700 people save 730 million without checking

Another feature of the money distribution was that the citizens "have money when they are rich." According to the count of paying bills, about 120,000 eligible citizens did not register before the deadline and were disqualified. In addition, about 2,700 people did not collect or cash a check of 6,000 yuan before the deadline. The government finally saved about 730 million yuan. There are sent.

Uncle Bo made up for 4,000 yuan

And the current Financial Secretary, Chen Maobo, announced the launch of the "Caring and Sharing Scheme" in 2019 to fill the gaps, so that those who have not benefited from the 2018/19 Budget will be paid 4,000 yuan. Citizens who rebate less than 4,000 yuan will also be paid the difference.

Who can apply? Set four conditions

In addition to those who apply for a full amount of $ 4,000, in addition to Hong Kong permanent residents who have reached the age of 18, they must meet four major conditions, including the usual residence in Hong Kong, no sugar distribution measures benefiting from the 2018-2019 budget, and no need to pay Salaries tax for 2017-18 and no property in Hong Kong. The number of beneficiaries in Hong Kong is about 2.8 million, with a total payment of 11 billion yuan. Administrative fees exceeded 330 million yuan.

The government issued a 4,000 yuan "Caring and Sharing Scheme" application form. In the early stage of distribution, there was a difficult situation. (Profile picture / Photo by Li Jiawei)

Application method: Online application form is not accepted

Although "paying money" was supposed to be a big joy, the second payment of money has brought Hong Kong people's anger, the biggest drawback of which is the low administrative efficiency. There are all kinds of chaos in the application process. Citizens first download the application form from the official government website, or go to the "Working Family Allowance Office", "Student Funding Office" or the district office of the Home Affairs Department to obtain a written application form. After obtaining the application form, you need to fill in 11 personal data and submit 3 copies of supporting documents. Upon completion, it will be mailed to the Family Allowance Office or delivered to the designated delivery box.

When the application was opened, many citizens flocked to the district civil affairs consultation centers to obtain forms. Some people rushed to the district council members' offices to request for printing because they could not obtain the application forms. Many district councillors are struggling to process applications for the public.

Cumbersome procedures

Due to the government's distribution of the "Caring and Sharing Program", multiple documents need to be submitted, and online applications are not accepted. The government has to hire about 700 employees to take charge of clerical work in advance. In addition to dealing with incomplete information, errors, and other problems, government personnel also lost about 12,000 application forms. As a result, some citizens have not applied for more than 9 months, and the incident has aroused widespread criticism in the society. It can be said that the government ’s second distribution of money was “expensive”. In addition to the increase in administrative costs, it was also under pressure due to its negative image and missed the golden opportunity to accumulate popular capital.

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