The Limited Times

But not a general rule of distance for wind turbines? - Altmaier surprises with a new plan

2/25/2020, 9:03:42 PM

The SPD and the Union could have finally come to an end in a dispute over the wind power regulations. Minister of Economics Peter Altmaier now wants to loosen up the distance rule.

The SPD and the Union could have finally come to an end in a dispute over the wind power regulations. Minister of Economics Peter Altmaier now wants to loosen up the distance rule.

  • In the dispute over the distance regulation for wind turbines, the SPD and Union seem to be moving closer.
  • Minister of Economics Altmaier proposed a loosening of the distance rules for wind turbines.
  • So far, the countries should have actively decided against a 1,000-meter rule.

Berlin - In the dispute over the distance rules for wind turbines , a new solution has now been developed, which would loosen up the previous draft law if enforced. The new regulation, which the CDU politician's ministry has drawn up and is supposed to present to the mirror , now wants the federal states to decide whether or not to maintain a distance of at least 1,000 meters between wind turbines and settlements . So far, this edition should basically count nationwide. Countries and municipalities that do not want to keep the distance should first have actively decided against it according to the previous opt-out regulation .

Dispute over wind power: Economics Minister Altmaier plans to relax the distance regulation

This plan was particularly criticized because it was feared that compromises that had already been found would break open and have to be renegotiated. Now Altmaier wants to introduce a so-called opt-in regulation . This means that every federal state must first actively decide on the distance regulation of 1,000 meters. In addition, it is to be checked whether Germany, as planned, will be able to achieve a 65 percent share of green electricity by 2030. The federal states should set goals for this.

Altmaier wants to deliver concrete results on wind power solution

Altmaier wants to deliver the most concrete result possible at a federal-state meeting scheduled for March 12th. On Tuesday, the Ministry of Economic Affairs said about the proposal: “The vote is currently underway. We are committed to a quick agreement. "

The expansion of wind power in Germany is currently paralyzing. Since there is primarily resistance from residents to wind farms, Union politicians had called for the 1,000-meter rule. This was intended to increase the acceptance of the residents. However, the SPD and the Union are arguing about the design. SPD circles said on Tuesday evening: "That comes very close to our proposal." It is important that possible distance rules of the countries do not jeopardize the achievement of the common 65 percent target.

Who will be at the top of the CDU in the future should decide at a special party conference on April 25th. Merz had previously rejected an offer from AKK. The CDU news ticker.

nz / dpa

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