The Limited Times

LREM MPs want to create a national school for imams

2/25/2020, 7:18:06 PM

In connection with the action initiated by the Head of State to fight against “separatism”, the elected officials presented ten areas of work.

A group of deputies La République en Marche will deliver to the Élysée, Matignon and the government a document compiling "ten lines of work" aimed at fighting against "Islamist separatism" . In the wake of the speech of the President of the Republic in Mulhouse (Haut-Rhin), last week, these elected macronists sought to "clarify the issue" and to "provide a response that is both firm and serene" . It is a question of “leading the fight for republican reconquest” and “fighting to ensure that the values ​​of the Republic are everywhere present” , explained, on Tuesday, Francis Chouat, coordinator of this working group, related deputy LREM de l'Essonne, who had succeeded Manuel Valls at the town hall of Évry.

Read also: Desperate imam research: why mosques are struggling to recruit

Among the avenues advanced, these deputies defend the creation of an "independent training center, a national school of Muslim theology" for "executives of the Muslim faith" . "It is time to endow our country with an autonomous establishment", defended Florent Boudié,

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