The Limited Times

Media China, 'slow' response from Italy

2/25/2020, 6:37:10 PM

From accused to accusers: in China the Global Times criticizes in an editorial the "slow" response of South Korea, Japan, Iran and even Italy to the coronavirus emergency. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - BEIJING, FEBRUARY 25 - From accused to accusers: in China the Global Times criticizes in an editorial the "slow" response of South Korea, Japan, Iran and even Italy to the emergency coronavirus. "It is worrying that the prevention and control measures adopted by the aforementioned countries may be insufficient", writes the tabloid of the People's Daily, voice of the Chinese Communist Party. "Fortunately - continues the Global Times editorial - China has a huge medical system and can rapidly mobilize over 40,000 medical personnel to support Wuhan and Hubei," the epicenter of the epidemic. "If a second epicenter like Wuhan emerges in another country, it is difficult to imagine that massive assistance can be mobilized," he added. Unacritica, that of Beijing, which meanwhile South Korea, the Chosun Ilbo spokesman, has sent back to the sender: the newspaper comments, it comes from China "which has become a global pariah for lying and poorly managing the disease that originated".