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Naftali Bennett: "I prefer fourth elections than sitting in Gantz's cabinet" Israel today

2/25/2020, 10:33:24 PM


A government with white and blue? "I'm right and they're left" • Netanyahu's attacks? "I will not reply, right will not right" • The rounds in Gaza? "We will reach an extensive operation soon" • The full interview - Friday at "Israel this week"

"I prefer to sit in opposition and not join the government of Benny Gantz. I also prefer fourth elections than sitting in his cabinet." Defense Minister Naftali Bennett, chairman of the right-wing party, says this week.

In a full-length article on Friday, Bennett states that "I am right-wing and blue-white is the leftist party. Like an avocado where there is a core and mantle, so is a blue-and-white core, it has a future, fighting for my husband, who wants to evacuate tens of thousands of settlers from their homes, who do not want Judaism and who heads it "Yair Lapid, said the disengagement is a punishment for the religious-national public. These are not my opinions and therefore I will not sit with them. I am only going with the Netanyahu government," Bennett pledged.

In response to the Prime Minister's claims, which he also repeated yesterday at the "Basheva" conference, on which the right was already going to join a white-blue, Bennett said "a rightist is not a rightist. This is the 11th speech Netanyahu taught me. It is not pleasant to snatch the attacks from Netanyahu, but I Not responsible for his actions but my actions. The division should be such that Likudniks vote for Likud and ideological right and religious Zionism will vote for its right. I do not intend to attack inside the right-wing camp and continue to absorb that right-wing is not right-wing. "

"We set a new threshold in Gaza"

Speaking about the fighting round with Islamic Jihad earlier this week, the defense minister estimated that "we will reach a widespread operation in Gaza in the near future. The only way to change the situation is by rebooting as soon as possible. In this round, I learned that this was inevitable." Bennett added that he opposes the perception of the rounds, but took advantage of the current confrontation to raise the price of the response from those who attacked Israel. "We have set a new threshold: if there is no peace in the Gaza Strip, there will be no peace in Damascus," the defense minister said. Bennett also criticized the humanitarian considerations for which the IDF refrained from attacking the Hamas headquarters in a firm cliff operation. "Benny Gantz was wrong when he did not give instructions to attack the terrorists."

In another context, Bennett warned the High Court judges not to deny Netanyahu the possibility of forming a government - even though he is on trial. "It would be irresponsible and devastating if they (the High Court judges; IA) disqualify him. If he is disqualified, it means that the High Court tells the people, 'I don't count you.' It would be devastating in terms of public trust. I must not do that and I hope they do not. "

The article will be published in full on Friday, reviewing a day in the life of Defense Minister Naftali Bennett, including a conversation in his office in Kirya and accompanying his flight to Hebron.