The Limited Times

Spanish authorities recommend not traveling to Italy, among other countries

2/25/2020, 11:54:18 PM

It is the announcement of the Spanish Minister of Health, Salvador Illa, at the end of the Interterritorial Council that brought together all the health advisers of the autonomous communities this afternoon to address ...

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Hotel in Tenerife isolates guests by coronavirus 1:57

(CNN Spanish) - Spain will consider areas of risk due to the advance of coronavirus to China, South Korea, Japan, Singapore, Iran and four regions of northern Italy.

It is the announcement of the Spanish Minister of Health, Salvador Illa, at the end of the Interterritorial Council that brought together all the health advisers of the autonomous communities this afternoon to address the new measures to be taken in the face of the advance of COVID-19.

According to Illa said at a press conference, those people who have flu symptoms and have traveled in the fourteen days prior to one of these areas will be considered cases to be analyzed, which will undergo analytical tests to confirm or rule out their infection. Those patients admitted to health centers that have respiratory conditions with unknown origin of their disease will also be considered “cases” and tested.

A meeting in which both the Ministry of Health and regional health agents agreed to transfer to citizens the recommendation not to travel to any of these regions if it is not essential. "It is not forbidden to travel to these places, there is no restraining order, but the recommendation after listening to health technicians is to avoid traveling to these areas," said Illa.

In an appearance before the media, the Minister of Health recalled that the three cases of coronavirus confirmed in the last twenty-four hours are imported cases and that there have been no cases of community transmission within the country.

The head of the health portfolio added that “we are in a scenario of containment of the coronavirus in Spain, and that is why we are going to reinforce the measures of early protection of the virus” and “that includes reinforcing the information provided to the public, including ports and airports ”.

Illa informed that in this meeting with the regional health representatives they also analyzed future scenarios in case the evolution of the coronavirus forced to take additional measures, although it did not detail what they would be. "Spain has a robust and prepared health system to deal with the situation" and "we have made efforts to transfer truthful and proven information to citizens," said Illa.

In this press conference, the Minister of Health reiterated the message of tranquility and confidence that they have transferred from the Spanish Government throughout these days, by ensuring that the national health system is prepared to deal with this virus. Similarly, he explained that as of this Wednesday, two coronavirus follow-up meetings and a daily appearance will be held to announce any new information.

The Ministry of Health activates the coronavirus protocol in the communities of Valencia and Madrid for two positive cases

Two new cases of coronavirus reported the Ministry of Health of Spain this Monday afternoon through its Twitter account. One of the patients is in the Community of Madrid and another in the Valencian Community. With these, there are already five cases throughout the country in the last 24 hours.

According to the country's health authority, the coronavirus protocol was activated in both places, after both people tested positive on the first test. The corresponding samples have already been sent to the National Microbiology Center of Madrid for confirmation.

Activated the protocol by #coronavirus in the Community of Madrid after testing a person in the tests.
The Ministry has notified the sending of samples for confirmation to the National Microbiology Center.

- Ministry of Health (@sanidadgob) February 25, 2020

With information from Ana Cucalón
