The Limited Times

Wise Attaches The Batch: The Informed Slide on Travel in Area C Removed | Israel today

2/25/2020, 9:45:18 PM


Head of the Jordan Valley Regional Council in a letter of thanks to Wise's CEO: "Giving the residents a warm hug" • Wise Israel: "The topic is unknown to us" • Baka resident: "Hope the warning will encourage visitors"

  • Jordan Valley // Photo: Tzahi Miriam

Recently, there has been a positive discussion among Jordan Valley residents that in the world's largest navigation app they recognized the Jordan Valley as an integral part of the State of Israel, "Jordan Valley Regional Council President David Elchaini wrote to Guy Berkowitz, the director of Wise Israel." The slide informs drivers of travel Area C was removed, giving the residents of the Jordan Valley a warm and loving hug. This is a small step for Wise and a big step for the Jordan Valley and the State of Israel, "wrote Al-Zahini.

The popular Israeli applet launched in 2006 was sold to Google in 2013 and has become extremely popular with Israeli drivers and many of the world's countries. Many have since launched the widget that ignores a large Israeli settlement area, which has developed excellent road systems, such as Highway 5. Residents of Judea, Samaria and the Valley have enjoyed roads that in many cases significantly shorten travel, even if those areas are not their final destination.

For example, this week's drive from the Dead Sea hotel area in the afternoon was 4 hours and 10 minutes via Arad to northern Tel Aviv, and the alternative through the Baka offered a 3-hour and 30-minute drive - a 40-minute saving. Yaron, a resident of the valley, said: "It made me very happy to hear about it. For years we felt lepers. I always tell my acquaintances that it is nonsense not to take advantage of all the roads, but I know many are afraid. Maybe the warning will bring them to the beautiful valley. And to understand that this is part of their country. "

Mawise Israel said in response: "After investigating the matter, the response we can say is that the issue is unknown to us."

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