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Body donation at Paris-Descartes university: the images of the mass grave "wake me up at night, it's a nightmare"

2/27/2020, 8:09:19 PM

Wiped out by what they discovered, a hundred relatives of donors gathered this Thursday morning under the windows of the Desc faculty.

"Disgusted", "indignant", "annihilated", "an absolute shame", "we miss words" ... This Thursday noon, the collective of donor families, victims of the mass grave of the René-Descartes University in Paris (VIe ), landed under the windows of the university on rue des Saints-Pères. They all carried, silently, a sign with the name and photo of their loved one: "Andrée, 76 years old. Gave his body to science in 2001. What has happened to him? "

The collective - anonymous and celebrities, united - intends to put pressure on the president with whom they had an appointment. "We won't let go of anything!" warns Baudoin Auffret, their spokesperson, IT project manager. We want to know what really happened. "

Descartes mass grave scandal: families wiped out

The families learned that morning a burglary had taken place in January at the Body Donation Center (CDC) and that archives had disappeared. "If I dared to play on words, I would say that this morning my arms fell out of my hands," said Véronique Lafond, the daughter of Micheline Dax, who died in 2014. The actress had given her body to science .

"Me, it doesn't surprise me any more than that," says Carolkim Tran Garrel, the daughter of actor Maurice Garrel, who died in 2011, also a donor. It means there are things to hide. "

Véronique Lafond, the daughter of actress Micheline Dax, came with her sign / LP / Arnaud Journois

"Take the Legion of Honor away from these doctors!"

David Artur, the son of José Artur, famous radio man, creator and host of the legendary program "Le Pop-Club", speaks to him of "ignominy" of doctors. "They violated the Hippocratic Oath. They defiled French medicine. They have flouted one of the most beautiful and noble professions! They sat on the respect of humanity. "

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"Take away the Legion of Honor!" He continues. May they no longer parade with the decorations that the Nation offers to those who advance it! "David Artur is not fooling against the chief doctors, Frédéric Dardel (former president of the university and current advisor to the Minister of Higher Education and Research) and Professor Guy Vallancien (former doctor of François Mitterrand)," who turned a blind eye for years to a lousy state university center that looked more like a stranded cargo ship dismantling in Mogadishu and who did business with the bodies. ”

David Artur, the son of José Artur, next to Véronique Lafond, the daughter of Micheline Dax, does not take heart.LP / AJ

"You realize, strangles the worthy son of José Artur, who has a sense of formula, our generous parents who donated their bodies for medical research were in fact sold to labs in pieces or ended up crashing tests at Carlos Ghosn! "

As for the “pseudo-burglary” of the Center for the donation of bodies, he sees it as an obstacle to justice. “The police come with the judge. And the cops, on leaving, do not put seals and take the archives? Not to mention that the university has stopped the video surveillance contract! We are taken for c… ”

Bodies stacked in dilapidated premises

The mass grave scandal dates back to November 27, 2019. Journalist Anne Jouan reveals in the columns of "L'Express" that the body donation center of the highly respected René-Descartes faculty, the largest center of anatomy European since 1953, which hosted nearly 600 bodies of generous people for medical research per year and until 2018, was in fact a real mass grave.

The premises were dilapidated, the refrigerated rooms out of order, the bodies were piled up, rotting for lack of space, some nibbled by mice, others dismembered dragged in trash bags. "When I think that my mother was in this thing, piled up on other bodies", revolted the daughter of Micheline Dax.

And for the venal side, organs were sold under the cloak, bodies minted with private laboratories for experiments or with automobile manufacturers for crash tests, all with the approval of certain chief doctors.

Some relatives saw the photos of the mass grave

On February 6, after the revelation of the scandal, the relatives of donor parents met, formed a collective to file a complaint for "violation of respect due to the dead", defended by master Frédéric Douchez. The Paris prosecutor's office opened a preliminary investigation. The CDC has been closed. On the Descartes side, an internal investigation was opened. And a complaint filed in January after the burglary.

This Thursday, Christine Clerici, President of the University of Paris, who received the families assured them of "bringing the listening and the assurance of the full consideration of the establishment", "sharing their indignation and their pain in the face to the facts reported in the press ”and to ensure that“ all the light is shed on this file ”.

The “light” is awaited by the families - who, moreover, have all paid out of their own pocket between 300 and 600 euros for the transport of the body of their generous deceased parents to Descartes.

Many have seen the photos of the mass grave ... "Me, it wakes me up at night," breathes Véronique Lafont. It is an absolute nightmare. "Giving your body to science," Carolkim Tran Garrel suggests, "is noble and generous." There, it turned into a horror film. "