The Limited Times

"Let's Dance": Is this going too far? Pocher with a drastic statement towards Wendler - revealing Laura reaps criticism

2/29/2020, 12:12:15 PM

"Let's Dance": Oliver Pocher and Michael Wendler exchanged blows. An extremely revealing Laura Müller received criticism.

"Let's Dance": Oliver Pocher and Michael Wendler exchanged blows. An extremely revealing Laura Müller received criticism.

  • The new season of "Let's Dance" on RTL * is in full swing.
  • Laura Müller went one round further, but also had to listen to criticism.
  • There was also a verbal exchange of blows between pop star Michael Wendler , whose partner Laura Müller * is dancing, and his intimate enemy Oliver Pocher .

Update from February 29, 2020: The big showdown between Michael Wendler and Oliver Pocher will soon increase. At "Let's Dance" on Friday there was a foretaste of what it looks like when the two get stuck. Comedian Pocher announced loudly: "Nothing has been agreed and there are not only deaths at the 'crime scene'. " A drastic statement. Is that going too far?

And, again, Pocher, who was on the opposite side of Wendler's audience: "Because of Corona, we both took one side, but the show really bangs."

Whereupon Wendler , who supported his girlfriend Laura Müller from the audience, replied: "I think Oliver will be surprised."

Embarrassing: When Wendler asks the audience "Do you want to see that?" After Pocher's crime scene comment, there is only very little applause.

Laura Müller too permissive? Criticism from the juror of "Let's Dance"

Wendler's girlfriend Müller - seen several times in Playboy - not only received praise for her appearance in an extremely revealing outfit.


Dance show "Let's Dance": Laura Müller shows herself freely.

© dpa / Rolf Vennenbernd

"You have to free yourself from saying that I just want to pose, I just want to look good somewhere. No matter if you look good, you have to dance well, " criticized judge Joachim Llambi -National player Steffi Jones is out.

"Let's Dance": Michael Wendler freezes the smile in a live show after the scandal - now he threatens Pocher

Update from February 28, 2020: On Friday evening, Michael Wendler's girlfriend Laura appears again on "Let's Dance". Before the show, Playboy released new photos of Laura Müller's shoot after the 19-year-old already graced the cover of the February issue of the men's magazine.

Update from February 23, 2020: OliverPocher and Michael Wendler compete on RTL TV - and that at prime time. Oliver Pocher's wife Amira now described the dire consequences of the Wendler dispute for her and her son. In addition, Shitstorm seems to be slowly brewing.

Victoria Swarovski's cleavage became the theme of the first episode.

Update from February 22, 2020: Is the situation between pop singer Michael Wendler and comedian Oliver Pocher getting worse? After the bitter tip for Michael Wendler on RTL's live show, the 47-year-old now strikes back. The pop singer described the comedian's allusions as a "kindergarten" campaign.

The 47-year-old even warned Oliver Pocher against the German Press Agency. "I'm a guy who eventually says:" Now that's enough! "There are moments when my family or girlfriend is drawn in, so I also look for a confrontation. I'm going to take a look at this for a while, but he shot himself in pretty well, ”explains Michael Wendler.

In advance, the 47-year-old made it clear what pressure was on his girlfriend Laura Müller. Accordingly, the 19-year-old wished for the support of her boyfriend. "What all of this could have destroyed for my girlfriend if it had turned out negative, I don't know." Accordingly, the situation of the past few weeks has hit the 19-year-old enormously.

"She was terrified that she would be booed. You can't imagine that, ”said the pop singer.

In the meantime, Til Schweiger has also spoken in the Wendler-Pocher-Hick-Hack.

Video: Does Oliver Pocher go too far with the Wendler parody?

The show-off by professional dancer Ekaterina Leonova shocked TV viewers of the RTL show "Let's Dance". The multiple winner sheds bitter tears on stage.

RTL: The final of the first "Let's Dance" episode will be bitter for Michael Wendler

Statement of origin from February 21, 2020: Cologne - The evening could have been so nice for Michael Wendler. His partner Laura Müller had her first big appearance * on the RTL show "Let's Dance" . He sat in the audience and applauded her. But then RTL afforded an "insult to majesty" at the very end of the show.

When everything was already over, his Laura had got her dream partner *, when comedian Chris Tall was shown on the screen. In the live show, he was allowed to announce his own RTL program "May he do it?", Which subsequently ran. But then the Wendler shock: Celebrity guest Oliver Pocher stood next to Chris Tall. And he did not miss the great opportunity. Boldly he asked the camera if Michael Wendler was also in the audience. RTL immediately faded in the hit star - his smile literally froze. Wendler showed no emotion, his expression still smiling rigidly. Don't show weakness now!

Insult and copyright notice is out #LetsDance

- Let's Dance (@RTL_LetsDance) February 21, 2020

"Let's Dance" moderators continue to sprinkle salt in the Wendler wound

Then the "Let's Dance" team went one step further - and sprinkled lively salt into the Wendler wound. Moderator Daniel Hartwich towered hypocritically: "Does Pocher have something going on with the Wendler?", Whereupon his co-moderator Victoria Swarovski replied: "Yes, I don't know ..." Then juror Joachim Llambi radioed in between: "It doesn't matter!" Allusion to a hit of the same name by the pop singer. A section of the showy music video is often used for ridicule. And "it doesn't matter" was on Pocher's shirt!

There has been a war between Pocher and Wendler for some time now, because the comedian shamelessly makes fun of Wendler's relationship with the much younger Laura Müller. The quarrel reached a climax after the famous "Schatziiiii" video, in which Laura supposedly gave her Michael an SUV completely surprisingly. Pocher’s Instagram video was immediately parodyed, after which Wendler lost his nerve and even displayed Pocher *.

RTL viewers and Wendler fans outraged: Did “Let's Dance” go too far here?

And now this mockery in front of an audience of millions live on RTL! Some viewers are annoyed by the behavior of the broadcaster and find it disrespectful that Pocher was given this stage. "Why do you let Pocher speak again? That absolutely didn't belong there. Let the Wendler be what it is, but ridicule it publicly and then point the camera at the Wendler, I find it discriminatory and out of order, ” said a“ Let's Dance ”viewer on Twitter, for example.

Read also about Let's Dance on *: Are the dream winners long established after the first episode?

Others enjoyed the scene. "Wendler directly killed Pocher twice with his eyes," wrote another RTL viewer. For many it was clearly the scene of the evening.

Hahahhahahaha I can no longer Pocher and then the view from Wendler #LetsDance

- Switching_P (@Switching_P) February 21, 2020

Pocher continues to play against Wendler in Chris Tall's RTL program

Anyone who stayed tuned to RTL experienced how Oliver Pocher followed up with Chris Tall. It wasn't him who started the trouble, Michael Wendler actually started everything with his videos. That is "cyber bullying". He meant that the whole country was bullied with us first. Anyway, the pop singer would benefit from all the attention that Pocher now gives him. Also financially, according to the cheeky thesis of the comedian.

Besides the Pocher-Wendler dispute, Michael Wendler also has stress *: at the airport he was pulled out and checked - now he has suspicions.

More about Let's Dance (RTL): Ulrike von der Groeben in a wow outfit - "Body of a 30-year-old" *

A kiss photo on Instagram of dog professional Martin Rütter is currently causing a lot of trouble. The reactions of his followers make the animal coach go crazy.

In addition, a well-known German TV couple will go their separate ways in the future.


* is part of the Ippen-Digital editors network

Oliver Pocher and Michael Wendler are supposed to perform their beef in an RTL live show. On “Stern TV”, the opposing parties have already met.

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