The Limited Times

"The Mandalorian", "ZeroZeroZero", "Validated": the new series from March 2020

2/29/2020, 12:12:09 PM

Every month, Le Parisien offers a selection of series not to be missed on the Netflix, OCS, MyC streaming platforms.

Netflix, Amazon, MyCanal, OCS ... Are you a bit lost in the content of the various platforms and have a little trouble making choices among all the new features? Le Parisien helps you find your way. At the beginning of each month, we present you the new series expected. Here is the program for March.


"The 100", season 6

Change of scenery for the science fiction series. After spending 120 years in cryogenic sleep, the young heroes land on a seemingly inhabited new planet, but there is no one on the horizon. This exotic environment will prove to be as welcoming as it is hostile, reserving many surprises for the protagonists and spectators. As always since its inception, the series "The 100" manages to renew itself and maintain a beautiful suspense.


Season 6, available March 1st.

"The Flash", season 5

Barry Allen, alias Flash, and his partner Iris meet Nora, their daughter who will be thirty years into the future. The young woman is also endowed with a super speed but which she controls badly. This arrival will disrupt their timeline, which is never good in "The Flash".


Season 5 available March 1st.

"On My Block", season 3

The adventures of four teenagers from a tough suburb of Los Angeles since entering high school. Between the grip of gangs and unwavering friendships, this initiatory tale promises new difficulties in this season 3.


Season 3, available March 11.

"Elite", season 3

Six months after season 2, here are the students of the very chic Las Encinas high school. If no information has circulated on the plot of this new season, we know that we will find some familiar faces like Samuel (Itzan Escamilla) or Guzman (Miguel Bernardeau). New characters are on the menu, Yeray (interpreted by rapper Leïte Sene) and Malick (Sergio Momo).


Season 3, available March 13.

"Kingdom", season 2

This South Korean series on a virus transforming the population into zombies in the Middle Ages made a strong impression on us during the first season put online a year ago. We can not wait to find this mixture between historical saga and horrifying fiction combining action, emotion, heroism, anxiety and humor.


Season 2, available March 13.


Here is a Norwegian series that promises to develop a different story with each episode constantly changing atmosphere both realistic and strange, horrifying and caustic.

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Available March 13.

"Feel Good"

Mae is a young Canadian humorist who tries to escape from her alcoholic past. It was in London that she chose to start a new life. There she falls madly in love with George, a straight young woman. Her feelings turn to obsession, plunging her back into her old demons. Note the presence at the casting of Lisa Kudrow, ex- "Friends".


Available March 20.


New French creation specially for Netflix, "Vampires" follows the adventures of a family of blood-suckers who live secretly in the Belleville district of Paris. The mother, Martha, isolated them from the rest of the vampiric community. The reunion will be explosive ... We find in the casting of this series two actors holding a César, the young Oulaya Amamra ("Divines") and Dylan Robert ("Shéhérazade").


Available March 20.

"Self Made: From the Life of Madame CJ Walker"

In this mini-biographical series, Octavia Spencer plays CJ Walker, a business woman specializing in cosmetic and hair products who has become the first black American millionaire. The one who lived from 1867 to 1919, experienced many obstacles and tumultuous marriages.


Available March 20.

"The King's Squire"

A fantastic teenage epic in which a young squire must deliver a secret letter to the king of a territory that a prince threatens to plunge into darkness. He finds himself at the center of a prophecy announcing the arrival of a hero who alone could defeat the evil prince.


Available March 20.


Netflix tackles a heavyweight, the father of psychoanalysis. Here we are in Vienna, at the end of the 19th century, where the young Sigmund Freud found himself involved in the heart of an obscure plot alongside a psychic investigating murders and disappearances. Composed of eight episodes, this mini-series by Marvin Kren, with Ella Rumpf and Georg Friedrich, promises to be a formidable psychological thriller.


Available March 23.

"Unorthodox", season 1

This German series in four episodes is selected in the international competition of the Séries Mania festival to be held in Lille from March 20 to 28. We follow the young Esty Shapiro who grew up in the Orthodox Jewish community in New York. After marrying a son from a good family during an arranged marriage, she fled and sought to start a new life in Berlin.


Available March 26.

"Ozark", season 3

In this increasingly dark series over the course of the episodes, the Byrde family became an expert in money laundering for a Mexican drug cartel. Season 2 ended with the inauguration of a casino boat, intended to brew millions of dirty money. Lead actor Jason Bateman (currently playing "The Outsider" on OCS) has announced that the plot for Season 3 will resume six months later.


Season 3, available March 27.



A Spanish police series whose hero, Samuel Caronte, is a criminal lawyer, former police officer and former detainee, convicted of a crime he did not commit. He now wants justice for his clients as much as for himself.

Trailer in VO.


Available March 6.



Martin Freeman returns to comedy. Revealed by the British "The Office" (2001-2003), the actor, now 48 years old, was then one of the pillars of the series "Sherlock", alongside Benedict Cumberbatch, then of the trilogy "The Hobbit" on big screen. He embodies here a father of two children whom he loves as much as he wants to kill them. Between lack of sleep, feeling of being a bad father and wanting to offer a bright future to his offspring, his paradoxes make us scream with laughter.


Available March 3 (2 episodes, then one every Tuesday).


In this futuristic series, the author, scriptwriter and director Alex Garland ("Ex machina") delves once again into his favorite subjects: artificial intelligence and the nature of humanity. We discover in "Devs", Serguei and Lily, a couple of computer scientists who both work for Amaya, a high-tech company whose department called Devs, is devoted to an ultra-secret project. The ultra-licked aesthetic of this series struggles to compensate for the complex and somewhat arid intrigue that is hard to convince us in its first two episodes.

EDITOR'S NOTE: 2.5 / 5

Available March 6.

"Better Things", season 4

Always a great pleasure to find this series of and with Pamela Adlon. The 53-year-old actress continues to explore mother-daughter relationships thanks to her character Sam, actress and single mother of Max, Frankie and Duke with characters as explosive as they are opposite. Bittersweet comedy with high-flying writing, "Better Things" is a gem.


Sainson 4, available March 9 (2 episodes, then one every Monday).


After "Gomorra", the producers of the Italian series are repeating themselves, by taking an interest in another work by Roberto Saviano, "Extra pure: travel in the cocaine economy". This journalistic investigation carried out around the world is here transposed into a fiction with large means shot around the world, in particular in Italy, Mexico, Senegal or the United States, where we follow different protagonists all involved in the delivery of a huge shipment of coke. The credits for this high-end series include actors of several nationalities, such as Gabriel Byrne, Dane DeHaan or Tchéky Karyo.

EDITOR'S NOTE: 4.5 / 5

Available March 9.


Do not judge on appearance. Just because Franck Gastambide is maneuvering behind the camera for the new original creation "Validated" does not mean that it is a comedy. This new series carried by an impeccable cast is a more than realistic dive into the abyss of a young rapper with an ultra-fast ascent.

Extremely realistic with a host of artists who play their own roles like Soprano, and particularly well-felt scenes, notably during the legendary sequences of "Planet rap", the cult program by Skyrock. The first fiction about French rap will fascinate (many) fans of the genre and should intrigue the others, fond of understanding what is the new golden age of hexagonal hip-hop. But beware, sensitive souls abstain.


Available March 20.


"Westworld", season 3

After a breathtaking first season, and a more confusing second, the series staging the revolt of androids in American amusement parks returns and travels a lot in the real world. Because her heroine, Dolores, has planned a plan to destroy all humans and reign with his friends on Earth.

Another novelty, the appearance of a competing company at Westworld (which manages parks and androids), which wants to transform humans into machines… Lots of action to be expected, therefore, with practically the same cast - Evan Rachel Wood , Jeffrey Wright, Ed Harris, Tandie Newton -, but without Anthony Hopkins.


Season 3, available March 16.

"The Plot Against America"

Adapted from a chronicle novel by Philip Roth published in 2005, this original mini-series in six 50-minute episodes imagines that in 1941, President Roosevelt, favorable to the entry of the United States into the Second World War, lost the elections against aviator Charles Lindbergh, sympathizer of the Nazi regime and known for his anti-Semitic positions.

Told from the point of view of the youngest boy of a Jewish family in New Jersey, the story tells, through the contrasting destinies of several characters, the progressive rise, over two years, of fascism and anti-Semitism on the spot, and goes so far as to imagine that Lindbergh is organizing - with the help of an overly gullible rabbi - the displacement of Jewish populations in certain states in order to be parked there. Faithful to the novel, talkative but very rhythmic, wonderfully interpreted - notably by Winona Ryder ("Dracula", Stranger Things "...)," The Plot against America "devours itself and gives chills: a great success.


Available March 17th.


The new platform will go online in France on March 24, with thousands of hours of exclusive content. Among them are heavyweight films, from "Star Wars" to "Snow White", including "Avatar" or "Avengers". And especially new original series, such as “High School Musical: the series”, “The World according to Jeff Goldblum”, and “The Mandalorian”…

"The Mandalorian"

Signed Jon Favreau ("Iron Man", "the Lion King"), eagerly awaited since its broadcast at the end of October in the United States, this series derived from "Star Wars" constitutes the bridgehead of the Disney platform. Dedicated to a mercenary resembling Boba Fett, "The Mandalorian", which takes place after episode VI of the saga, takes place in a universe mixing science fiction and western, and notably stages Baby Yoda, who has become a mascot on social networks.

Breathtaking, at the same time funny, moving, full of suspense and action, reviving the codes, the decorations, the spacecraft, the creatures and certain characters who made the legend of the original trilogy, this first season in Eight nervous episodes turn out to be totally addictive and dazzling.


Available March 24.

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