The Limited Times

Along the Syrian geography ... absolute support for the Syrian Arab Army and widespread condemnation of the aggression of the Erdogan regime, the representative of global terrorism

2/29/2020, 3:51:15 PM

Governorates-Sana is a widespread popular condemnation throughout the Syrian geography and in all cities and towns for the aggression of the Rajab Urdu regime


A wide popular denunciation throughout the Syrian geography and in all cities and towns with the aggression of Recep Erdogan regime against Syria and its support for terrorism there, especially in Idlib and the creation of false pretexts to impose his defunct Ottoman agenda and justify his brutal aggression using civilians as a tool to pressure Western countries and terrorists as a help to implement his plans and this is offset by the Syrians standing as one body With their valiant army, which is fighting this aggression in defense of its land and people.

Official and popular figures renewed their support and support to the Syrian Arab Army in the face of the brutal and aggressive Turkish aggression until the achievement of the declared victory and the liberation of every dirt of soil from the homeland.

Ibrahim Shaban, head of the Journalists Union Branch in Lattakia, said with a SANA reporter that since the beginning of the war of aggression against Syria, Erdogan's regime and his Brotherhood party have been a main supporter of all terrorist organizations in an attempt to generalize this model to the region and to authorize it with extremist ideology that adopts killing and terrorism as a way to reach power and today is not enough With the support of the collapsed terrorist gangs, but he enters into aggression with all his means.

The plastic artist Adawyah Dayoub said that victory will be the ally of our valiant army, which defends its land, the dignity of its people and the natural right guaranteed by international laws, pointing out that the killing of Turkish soldiers on the Syrian soil must be a lesson for Erdogan to stop his goal and support for terrorism and terrorists and to withdraw his soldiers from the Syrian lands.

Ayman Suleiman, a resident of the city of Manbij, said that the Turkish soldiers who were killed on Syrian soil are occupation soldiers, and this is the fate of every occupier and our valiant army will not stop its war on terrorism and its supporters until achieving victory and liberating the entire Syrian soil.

Citizen Ali Saud said that Erdogan's direct interference in the aggression is a desperate attempt to support the retreating terrorist organizations in front of the valor and heroism of our great army and comes at a critical stage where they only have to flee towards the Turkish lands from which they came.

The people of Al-Hasakeh province affirmed that the illegal Turkish presence on the Syrian lands is a direct occupation and an essential source for the continued feeding of terrorism and mercenaries and their participation in arms and individuals in the attack on Syria and destabilizing the security of citizens after the great losses suffered by them at the hands of the heroes of the Syrian Arab Army.

He blessed the sons of the province with the determination and determination of the Syrian Arab Army to recover every inch of the homeland defiled by terrorism over the past years, explaining that there is no guarantee for the return of stability and the unity of Syrian soil except with the heroic efforts and efforts of our valiant army and the need to unite the ranks and efforts to expel all occupation forces from the homeland.

Writer and researcher Ibrahim Khalaf told a SANA reporter that Turkish intervention is a blatant and open occupation that aims to destabilize the security and stability of the region not only in Syria but also in Iraq, Libya and the Arab Gulf states and revive the new Ottoman ambitions by using the herds of transnational terrorism and trying to polish images of this terrorism.

The author Khalaf stated that supporting the Syrian Arab Army in every possible way, joining our children in its ranks and working to unite the ranks to launch a popular resistance to defeat all the occupiers is an imperative and urgent necessity in this period in which our people live the last stage of the life of black terrorism that invaded our country and polluted it with its weapon and thought.

The media, Abd al-Rahman al-Sayyed, pointed out that the direct support provided by the Turkish regime to extremist terrorist groups aims to breathe new life after the great defeats inflicted on them by the heroes of the Syrian Arab Army and its determination to restore security to the entire Idlib governorate and expel the herds of terrorism from Syrian territory.

Citizen Syria Khalif said the great victory achieved by the Syrian Arab Army in a record time in the governorates of Aleppo and Idlib showed the weakness of the terrorist organizations operating in the agency, which prompted the supporter to enter directly and mix his elements with the terrorists.

The people of the city of Daraa condemned the blatant interference of the Turkish regime forces in support of terrorist organizations in Idlib governorate, stressing that the army is carrying out its duty to liberate the Syrian land from terrorism and its supporters.

And Ibtisam Bajbuj indicated that the Turkish regime supports the terrorists with the attacks that they carry out in Idlib, pointing out that whatever they do, they will not succeed in their endeavors and the army will return Idlib as safe and secure as it was.

Saeed Al-Shahdat said that the Turkish regime is trying to save its terrorist tools in Idlib through direct intervention and that who bears responsibility for killing the Turkish soldiers is the head of the Turkish regime who threw them in the ranks of the terrorists, pointing out that the army is doing its duty to defend Syrian land against Turkish interference.

In As-Suwayda, the head of the Arab Writers Union Branch in As-Suwayda, Dr. Fayez Izz al-Din said, "What Erdogan does is to implement American and Zionist agendas, as he is charged with supporting and sponsoring terrorism, and the presence of Turkish soldiers besides terrorists is only conclusive evidence that they are partners in terrorism." Noting that Erdogan is what Except the heir of the Ottoman Empire and achieving colonial aims, goals and ambitions, and he bears the responsibility for killing his soldiers because he pushed them to be with the terrorists.

He added that Syria has the right to respond to any attack on its territory and to eradicate terrorism, and this is guaranteed by international law, United Nations charters, and Security Council resolutions.

While researcher Fadi Hadifa pointed out that since the beginning of the crisis, the Turkish role was suspicious, ambiguous and indulged in a large scheme at the level of the region in general and Syria in particular, so he gathered the terrorists of the world and provided them with equipment and weapons, and provided them with training and facilitated their entry into Syria to commit the most horrific massacres against the Syrians.

In turn, Sheikh Yasser Abu Fakhr indicated that the Ottomans left nothing but disease, tribulation and hostilities throughout their history, and here they are, the new Ottomans weave their illusions through aggression against Syria and their direct support for sterile terrorism and their heavy brotherhood thought, making themselves a cover for terrorist organizations escaping from all values, morals and religion.

The director of the As-Suwayda culture, Basil Al-Hinnawi, explained that the Turkish regime supports terrorism and that the forces of this regime entered Syria illegally and the Syrian army has the right to resist terrorism and defend its sovereignty over its lands, pointing out that Erdogan was the one who killed his soldiers by sending them to fight alongside the terrorists in Syria.

Dr. Ihsan Qandil pointed out that the Syrian army is fighting in defense of its land against terrorists and those who support them, noting that Syria is a sovereign country and no other country has the right to violate its sovereignty, while Jamal Al-Kuntar considered that Erdogan's regime represents global terrorism and it is attacking a sovereign state and violates all laws And international conventions.