The Limited Times

Comment: Citizenship sets an example against right

2/29/2020, 6:06:09 PM

Citizens in the district of Erding continue to react immune to the right poison, which is increasingly being instilled into society. It is an encouraging sign when hundreds stand up to demonstrate against hatred, violence and exclusion, says editor-in-chief Hans Moritz in his commentary on the weekend.

Citizens in the district of Erding continue to react immune to the right poison, which is increasingly being instilled into society. It is an encouraging sign when hundreds stand up to demonstrate against hatred, violence and exclusion, says editor-in-chief Hans Moritz in his commentary on the weekend.

Some visitors to the Farrenschranne will not have noticed the little black flag that was waving on the stage in Schrannenplatz. The banner sent a clear signal against the politically extreme right. The Narrhalla had hung it up. There was silence when its president Detlef Felixberger - carnival or not - called for a minute's silence for the victims of the killing spree against foreign citizens.

There were two big vigils against the terrible crime with nine dead people with a migration background in Hanau 40 hours ago. Around 400 citizens came to Schrannenplatz, and to 100 in the Lower Market in Dorfen, who had positioned themselves silently, with candles, but also in speeches against the right. In these unbearable times, these were powerful signals that gave encouragement.

The vigils had been organized within a few hours - past bureaucratic hurdles. In Erding, Mayor Max Gotz had paved the way for the meeting the night before. "I'll take that on my cap." With this sentence he had allowed the alliance Bunt instead of Braun the demo almost like a swipe.

These examples show that, thankfully, the citizens of the district are still immune to the right poison, which is constantly being instilled into society. She reacted just as confidently and calmly when the waiting room for asylum with thousands of refugees was installed in Erding, the vocational school gymnasium was converted into an emergency camp in Erding and the government of Upper Bavaria in Oberding and Dorfen put large accommodations for refugees into operation.

An individual cannot do anything against a killing spree like in Hanau. No one is condemned to inactivity. This includes raising one's voice in one's environment when there is a mood against minorities. It often starts on a small scale.

Every citizen can do this in two weeks - in the local election: by denying parties the support that paves the way in their language, demands and actions of right mindedness. Anyone who demands a security concept for Taufkirchen wants to give the impression that the place is no longer safe because of the psychiatry. Some isolated cases do not justify scaring an entire citizenry. That too is poison. ham