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Coronavirus: Marine Le Pen fears that voters "give up going to vote" in municipal elections

2/29/2020, 6:03:20 PM

The RN president said “prefer” that the poll be maintained, adding that “in ministerial offices the hypothesis of a repo

Will the coronavirus have an impact on municipal elections? The hypothesis of a cancellation is studied cautiously but by March 15, the question of meetings and public meetings arises seriously. This Saturday, Marine Le Pen for its part expressed its "fear" of a lower mobilization of voters due to fear of the virus.

"Anxiety and fear can push people to give up going to vote," said the president of the National Rally and member for Lens, in her fiefdom of Pas-de-Calais, at a press conference. A department where the party has deposited 30 lists, six more than in 2014.

"So it is the responsibility of the government to take all measures to be able to reassure the people," she added before chairing a meeting, the first in this municipal campaign. A second rally is planned in Marseille on March 6.

Still "few" cases in France

The RN president did not shake hands with the heads of lists present at the press conference, explaining that she "respected government instructions" to limit the spread of the virus.

However, Marine Le Pen "would prefer that (the ballot) be maintained", reporting that "in ministerial offices the hypothesis of a postponement of the elections is not ruled out". The president of the RN also stressed that it was necessary “to remain cautious” because in France the cases are still “few”.

At the start of the meeting, which brought together several hundred people in a Lens room, deputy Ludovic Pajot repeated the government's instructions urging the activists present "not to kiss" or shake hands.

The half marathon canceled

All "gatherings of more than 5,000 people" in a closed environment and certain outdoor events, such as the Paris half-marathon on Sunday, will be canceled in France in the face of the intensification of the epidemic, the government announced on Saturday.

However, he reiterated that there was no need "at this stage" to cancel the municipal elections. Asked whether she later feared a ban on electoral meetings, Marine Le Pen replied "if of course."

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"Given the spread of the virus, the government will most likely have to implement bans that can take various forms. We will adapt to it, we will strictly follow the instructions ”.