The Limited Times

Elderly woman drives in crowd in Essen: eleven injured

2/29/2020, 6:51:31 PM

A tram stops in Essen and people get out: A senior citizen is said to have driven into the crowd without brakes. How it came about is still unclear.

A tram stops in Essen and people get out: A senior citizen is said to have driven into the crowd without brakes. How it came about is still unclear.

Essen (dpa) - An 81-year-old woman drove into a crowd at a tram stop in Essen. Eleven people were injured, three of them were in mortal danger, said a police spokeswoman on Saturday.

According to the first findings, the police assume an accident. Three of the injured were seriously injured. How the incident could come about was initially unclear.

According to the spokeswoman, the tram had stopped at the Gervinusstrasse stop and the guests had got out. At that moment, the elderly woman drove unchecked into the people getting out. The police were in a major operation.