The Limited Times

Gabbard: Erdogan is the most dangerous dictator and supports all terrorist organizations

2/29/2020, 9:15:15 PM

Washington-SANA, US Member of Parliament and candidate for the presidential election, Tulsi Gabbard, confirmed that the Turkish system


Member of the US House of Representatives and candidate for the presidential elections, Tulsi Gabbard, confirmed that the Turkish regime headed by Recep Tayyip Erdogan had been supporting ISIS and al-Qaeda terrorist behind the scenes several years ago and now he had to get out of the curtain and show that role he had played for years against the Syrian government.

In a video published today on her Twitter account, Gabbard pointed out that Erdogan is the most dangerous dictators in the world and he is not a friend of America, explaining that he wants to restore the Ottoman Empire and works with al-Qaeda and other terrorist organizations to achieve this goal.

Gabbard cautioned that US President Donald Trump provide support to Erdogan, stating that the United States and its media have no interest in supporting the paranoia of him and his al-Qaeda terrorist partners.

Gabard stressed that it is a shame and an insult to America and its media to continue to describe the terrorists in Idlib as "armed" or "revolutionaries" condemning in this context by the campaigns of disinformation by the international media, especially the American media, and the Trump administration to justify their support for the terrorists.

It called for passing a law to prevent the arming of terrorists in Congress, which would prevent the American administration from continuing to support countries like Turkey that support America's enemy, Al-Qaeda, and Trump and NATO demand not to support Erdogan in his expansionist wars to achieve his defunct Ottoman dreams and not to be drawn into a war with Russia for a dictatorial regime Aggressive expansionist.