The Limited Times

Members of Parliament and researchers: Supporting the Erdogan terrorist regime in Syria is a war crime

2/29/2020, 3:51:09 PM

Damascus-Sana A number of parliament members and researchers affirmed that the direct participation of the Turkish regime in supporting the terrorist organizations


Several members of the People's Assembly and researchers affirmed that the direct participation of the Turkish regime in supporting terrorist organizations and fighting alongside them in Idlib is recognition that it is part of these organizations and a stark evidence of its lack of commitment to international laws and the Sochi Agreement, which stipulates the need to separate and fight terrorists, indicating that the head of the Turkish regime is Recep Tayyip Erdogan is responsible for the killing of Turkish soldiers on Syrian soil.

In a statement to SANA, member of the People's Assembly, Dr. Muhammed Kheir Akkam, stated that according to the legal concept, the presence of the Turkish people outside the scope of observation according to the Sochi Agreement is an occupation and therefore the Turkish regime bears responsibility for targeting and killing Turkish soldiers for not abiding by the agreement, noting that the Turkish observation points that were established according to the agreement have become headquarters Logistical support and support for terrorists.

Dr. Akkam pointed out that the Turkish regime is the reason for the presence of terrorists in the Syrian territories, and it is the one who introduced terrorists of various nationalities across its borders with Syria. Therefore, the Turkish should bear this, indicating that the Syrian Arab Army is doing its duty to fight terrorism in defense of its land and people and what the Turkish regime is asking about The Syrian Arab Army stops its operations against the terrorists in Idlib, which shows that it is a separate system from reality. It has no right to ask the Syrian Arab Army to back down while it fights terrorism within its territories to purify every inch of Syria.

For his part, Nizar Skif, a member of the People's Assembly, pointed out that the presence of Turkish soldiers among the terrorists who attack Syria is a recognition of the explicit support for terrorism, and it is the duty of the international community to hold the Turkish regime accountable for that, considering that Erdogan's support for terrorists is a war crime against a sovereign state.

Skif assured that the Syrian Arab Army will continue its war on terror until the liberation of all Syria, according to the duty stipulated in the Syrian constitution to defend the Syrian territories, noting the sacrifices it makes in order to do so.

The researcher and political analyst Dr. Bashar Tohme, in turn, pointed out that the head of the regime, Erdogan, who has directly plunged the Turkish army alongside the terrorists and is trying to blackmail Europe and threatening to open its borders to the flow of the displaced, finds himself today alone, defeated in a battle that has repercussions at the Turkish and international levels.

Dr. Tohme emphasized that the real scene in the north is drawn by the heroes of the Syrian Arab Army through the tournaments they line in confronting the terrorists and their supporters, noting that field military action is the only solution to eliminate terrorism and restore security and stability to the entire Syrian lands.

Enas Svan

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