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No eggs there? You can replace eggs with these unusual ingredients

2/29/2020, 2:15:26 PM

You just want to start baking and you notice that you have no eggs in the house? Don't panic, with these alternatives you can replace them.

You just want to start baking and you notice that you have no eggs in the house? Don't panic, with these alternatives you can replace them.

Do you sometimes feel the spontaneous desire to bake? If you then look in the fridge or in your pantry and find that eggs are out, the mood is in the basement. This does not have to be because you can replace eggs with other ingredients. The tips are also suitable for vegans and people who want to give their baked goods a little more flavor.

Replace eggs with fruit or vegetable puree: apple, pumpkin or avocado

Apples and bananas are known to many as egg replacers. As unsweetened puree, these types of fruit can be used well in cakes, pancakes, etc. You need about 80 grams of applesauce per egg or half a banana per egg. If you only have sweetened applesauce in the house, you need to reduce the remaining sugar a little.

Pumpkin and avocado are less known, but just as effective and tasty. You can use these purees with savory dishes.

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Replace eggs with nut butter

Peanut butter, cashew butter and Co. have two things in common: They are full of healthy fats and are ideal as an egg replacement. But make absolutely sure that you use creamy variants and not the lumpy ones. You can also easily make peanut butter yourself.

Three tablespoons of nut butter replace an egg. But keep in mind that nut butter naturally has a nutty taste.

Replace eggs with flax seeds

Some people use flax seeds in the muesli to stimulate their digestion. Ground, the seeds also make a great substitute for ice. To do this, mix a tablespoon of ground flaxseed with three tablespoons of water . The water must be warm. Then let the seeds jellify before you continue to use the mixture. You can speed up the process by briefly heating the mixture in the microwave, says blogger Nina from It also points out that you should only replace a maximum of two eggs with flax seed jelly per recipe and only if the egg is primarily used as a binding agent.

Replace eggs with mashed potatoes

It sounds a bit strange, but you can also use mashed potatoes if you run out of eggs. You can work well with them, especially in bread or bread recipes. You replace an egg with two tablespoons of mashed potatoes. If you have instant mashed potatoes in the cupboard, also mix two tablespoons with water before using it.

Replace eggs with oil and baking powder

If you only need to replace up to two eggs, then you can try this mixture, according to mix two tablespoons of water per egg with one tablespoon of cooking oil and two teaspoons of baking soda .

As you can see, you don't have to give up your baking just because you don't have eggs in the house.

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