The Limited Times

Pension reform: "error", "cowardice", "weakness", reactions after 49-3

2/29/2020, 5:51:21 PM

Édouard Philippe announced on Saturday February 29 that he was committing "the responsibility of his government" on the pension reform project.

It was expected, it is now recorded. As the Prime Minister announced in the late Saturday, February 29, in the National Assembly, the government has chosen to use article 49-3 of the Constitution to pass its bill on the reform of pensions.

Read also: Obstruction in the Assembly on the pension law: the game of fools

The possibility of resorting to this article had been felt for several days. At the beginning of the week, Les Républicains had also proposed " an alternative " to this by proposing to suspend the debates and " redeposit " a new project.

Read also: Édouard Philippe announces the use of article 49-3 on the pension reform project

Now acted upon, this decision does not fail to react. The left opposition immediately announced its intention to table a government censure motion, which however has no chance of being adopted. She has 24 hours to do so.

Jean-Luc Mélenchon, from La France insoumise, condemned a “ particularly deceitful ” process:

The president of the LFI group in the National Assembly confirmed the tabling of a censure motion with the communists and probably the socialists.

Marine Le Pen, president of the National Rally, denounced a " coup de force ". "They are using the anxiety and concern of the French over the coronavirus crisis to be able to pass what is a coup, knowing that they refused to submit this pension reform to a referendum, " said she estimated. She said that her political party would vote " all references to censorship ", whether from the right or from the left.

" What a mistake, " thundered the former majority deputy Matthieu Orphelin. " The government is depriving itself of the contribution of parliamentarians when many of us, for weeks, have been working and proposing solutions to end the crisis, " he said.

The first secretary of the PS Olivier Faure spoke of an " unacceptable method ":

" This use of 49.3 is further proof of weakness on the part of the Prime Minister! "Said Christian Jacob, president of the Republicans.

On the sly, on a Saturday afternoon, (the government) adds cowardice to his loneliness. A new battle is opening: that of the reconquest of this power that they are stealing from us , ”expressed for his part the deputy François Ruffin (LFI), on Twitter.

The general secretary of Force Ouvrière, Yves Veyrier, denounced the government's " incomprehensible and unacceptable attitude ". " The crisis situation, relating to the coronavirus epidemic, requires on the contrary the greatest national solidarity and consequently appeasement, a fortiori on such a controversial subject, where the government is increasingly isolated ", lamented Yves Veyrier calling " to stop the parliamentary process ".