The Limited Times

Pichetto got out of the race for AGN: "I will not divide the opposition front by a charge"

2/29/2020, 5:03:15 PM

The former senator and former vice president candidate stepped aside in the dispute over the ownership of the National General Audit. He did it after the UCR nominated Jesús Rodríguez.

02/29/2020 - 13:55

  • Clarí
  • Politics

The last inmate in the opposition coalition on the position of Auditor General of the Nation seems to begin to settle because the former senator and former candidate for vice presidency in the formula with Mauricio Macri, Miguel Angel Pichetto, gave up the postulation pursued by the PRO, against the Name of Jesús Rodríguez who was nominated by the Radical Civic Union.

The president of radicalism, Alfredo Cornejo, sent a letter to the holders of the two chambers of Congress to propose Jesús Rodríguez as the highest authority of the General Audit Office of the Nation (AGN), a position reserved for the majority opposition party.

Former President Mauricio Macri himself had proposed Miguel Angel Pichetto, but after sending the note, Pichetto himself got off. " I never asked for that position , nor was it part of my interest to occupy a space in the Audit. This was a proposal made by the former president (Mauricio) Macri, who undoubtedly has the legitimacy to raise it because what is going to be put under review in this period it's his government, "said the former senator.

"We have to find a way that allows us to overcome the differences. I will not go into the wear and tear of this fight, I am not interested. The political coalition Together for Change should have chosen someone to represent the three parties [for the AGN] This has not been done, there is a proposal to conform to the letter of the law, to count deputies and senators and I do not want to enter that. I will not divide the opposition front by a charge . And we will see how it is resolved, I think that the note is already presented. It seems to me that it was important that the coalition put a name with the signature of the three parties to give greater strength to the control. But well, that's it, we'll see how it goes. I'm not thinking of going as an auditor, no I have defined it, and I am very interested in submitting to a decision space of the Chamber, ”Pichetto anticipated in dialogue with the FM Milenium Data on Data program.

From the PRO they circulated spreadsheets with the number of deputies and senators of each space. According to his calculations, the PRO would have 53 deputies and 8 senators; a total of 61 legislators, who would add 65 if the 4 that are part of allied blocks are counted. While the radicals, according to these calculations, would add 46 deputies and 14 senators themselves (60 legislators) and total 62 if the allies are counted. The truth is that in the PRO they wanted to prevent the controversy from getting bigger because there are still other charges at stake, such as the Ombudsman's Office .

Jesús Rodriguez, the name proposed by the UCR for the Auditor General of the Nation. (Nestor Garcia).

In turn, Pichetto was consulted about his first absence in 26 years at an opening of ordinary sessions in Congress. "You always look at the past in a nostalgic way. But I have a personality structure that understands that you don't have to go back. When I left the municipality of Sierra Grande (Río Negro), which was my first political position, I never thought about the municipality, I was worried about the town, yes. Now I don't think about the Congress, it was a stage of my life that happened, important in my life, but it happened, I have to look forward and continue working in politics not necessarily in the public space "said Pichetto, who remarked that in these two months he dedicated himself to reopening his study.