The Limited Times

A patient they had isolated in Brazil died to determine if he had coronavirus

3/1/2020, 7:21:10 PM

He was 60 years old. He died in a hospital in a state of Rio de Janeiro.

03/01/2020 - 15:56

  • Clarí
  • World

A Brazilian patient who was suspected of contracting coronavirus on a recent cruise trip through Argentina and whose case was investigated by health authorities died in the city of Nova Friborg, in the state of Rio de Janeiro.

The case was not yet officially considered a suspect by the Ministry of Health , but was accompanied by the Municipal Health Secretariat of that locality in the mountain region of Rio de Janeiro, which submitted the examinations to the ministerial portfolio, responsible for statistics and data disclosure

The patient, sixty years old and who died on Saturday, was hospitalized and isolated at the Raúl Sertá Hospital in Nova Friburgo with a 65-year-old woman who accompanied him on the cruise.

In the city, another sixty-year-old woman who had suspicious symptoms after having returned to Brazil from Germany and who is already without the clinical picture in quarantine at home was also treated.

Just on Saturday, the Brazilian Ministry of Health confirmed the second case of coronavirus with a patient who presented the symptoms after returning from Italy and said that despite the two cases reported in the country "there is no evidence of circulation of the virus in national territory ".

According to the ministry, the patient presented fever and muscular and headaches and was immediately treated at the Albert Einstein Hospital and as his clinical picture is stable he received guidance for home quarantine with his wife, who accompanied him on the trip and has no discomfort of health.

For Brazilian health authorities, despite the confirmation of the second "imported" case, "there are no changes in the national scenario."

The first confirmed case in the country was of a 61-year-old man who was between February 9 and 21 in Lombardy, in northern Italy, and also from Milan he returned to Brazil via Paris, where he made a connection to Sao Paul.

His diagnosis was confirmed last Wednesday and then it was the first case of coronavirus in Latin America.

The Brazilian Ministry of Health reported on Saturday that in addition to the two confirmed patients, it investigates another 207 "suspected" cases of coronavirus in the country, most of them located in the state of Sao Paulo (91), and that it already ruled out 79 in The whole national territory.