The Limited Times

Coronavirus: in ER 285 cases, three died

3/1/2020, 5:39:09 PM

The number of Coronavirus positivity in Emilia-Romagna rises to 285, out of 1,795 tests carried out. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - BOLOGNA, MARCH 1 - Coronavirus positivity in Emilia-Romagna rises to 285, out of 1,795 tests carried out. To the 5 deaths that have already occurred, there are 3 more: two men respectively 79 and 76 years old, already suffering from different diseases, resident in the Parma area and hospitalized and a 74 year old man suffering from serious diseases, resident in the province of Piacenza and hospitalized.
Piacenza remains the most affected province, with 174 cases; 59 are in Parma and 2 in Ravenna, while there are no new cases in Modena (24), Rimini (16), Reggio Emilia (7), Bologna (2) and Forlì-Cesena (1).
The majority of people continue to exhibit modest symptoms, 24 have no symptoms and 137 - almost half - are following the planned period of isolation at home because they do not need hospital treatment. Instead, 13 patients admitted to intensive care.

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