The Limited Times

Coronavirus: no biological test or containment for Creil soldiers returning from China

3/1/2020, 8:00:15 PM

According to the Ministry of Health, the zero patient should not be sought from the side of the soldiers of the Creil air base. A theory that

For the Ministry of Health, the subject is closed. The Esterel transport squadron is not responsible for the spread of the coronavirus in the Oise. Eyes were however directed towards this military unit of the air base 110 of Creil, which took part in the operations of repatriation of the French from China.

“This flight had no positive passengers on board, hammered the director general of health, Jérôme Salomon, on Saturday evening. All of the people had been tested twice. And the Esterel teams were protected and then monitored for fourteen days. According to him, the investigation would be directed towards a person external to BA110 who would have contaminated a friend working on the spot.

Words that make a military source "laugh", however. “I cannot guarantee that this epidemic comes from the Esterel, but I find that they get rid of this track very quickly without any proof. "

Finally authorized to speak, the base commander, Colonel Fabien Cunat, clarified this Sunday evening the conditions for the return of his soldiers, who were still open to debate. He confirmed that none of them had undergone the same operations and containment measures as passengers returning from China. “They did not have any biological tests but followed regular checks during the incubation period and have since not developed any symptoms. "

There was no reason to confine them

Moreover, he is reassuring about the mission carried out in China by his transport unit. “It was a round trip. Our soldiers stayed on the plane. There was no stopover. They were not classified at risk, there was no reason to confine them. "

In all cases, the zero patient would be linked to the military enclosure. "The prefect assured me that the cases listed in Creil concerned only the base," said the mayor (PS), Jean-Claude Villemain. About fifteen people from BA110 were tested positive for coronavirus after the declaration of the first case. This Monday, only half of the workforce will be present, the other party having been encouraged to stay at home.

Find our complete file on the coronavirus in Oise:

> The Oise on the first day of life under a bell

> Retirement homes on alert

> "We have no equipment, no information," alert Oise doctors

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