The Limited Times

Coronavirus: school trips abroad suspended until further notice

3/1/2020, 10:09:15 PM

This decision follows the transition to stage 2 of the coronavirus control plan.

On its website, the Ministry of National Education announces that, "taking into account the transition to stage 2 of the prevention and management plan, the government decided on February 29 that all school trips abroad and , in France, in areas identified as “clusters” are suspended until further notice ” .

It is therefore up to the academic authorities to prohibit any planned departure abroad or in the two “clusters” , or grouping of patients, located on the national territory pending government instructions authorizing the resumption of these trips. The transition to stage 2 of the plan implies for the authorities to take "strong measures" to "delay the spread" of the virus. The goal is to save time to find a cure for the disease and allow the health system to adapt to the epidemic phase.

Suspend current trips

This decision also concerns trips abroad which "must be interrupted" . “With regard to journeys on the national territory, they can continue normally. It should nevertheless be ensured that no transit or stopover in the “clusters” identified on the national territory is planned during the trip. ”

On the other hand, due to the transition from the plan to stage 2, the quarantine imposed on pupils returning from certain areas (Northern Italy, China (excluding Hubei), Macao, Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea and Iran) is lifted. "They can therefore now join their school," explains the Ministry of National Education.

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