The Limited Times

Coronavirus in Oise: should you take your children to school on Monday?

3/1/2020, 10:24:21 PM

If the schools of nine communes of the Oise will be closed this Monday, by prefectural decision, the parents of cities not conc

Teachers and parents of students have one thing in common, on this Sunday evening, in the Oise. In the midst of the coronavirus crisis, everyone is afraid of the start of the school year on Monday.

In the nine municipalities (Creil, Montataire, Villers-Saint-Paul, Nogent-sur-Oise, Lagny-le-Sec, Lamorlaye, Crépy-en-Valois and Lacroix-Saint-Ouen) where establishments have been closed by prefectoral decree until March 14, the question is what to do with these more than 25,000 students.

“My wife works from 6 am to 2 pm. Me, I work shift schedules, sighs a Creole dad with three children. We have family who will be able to come and take care of it, but we will have to see if it is possible over time. In Nogent, Billitis, a mother of six, thought she was in between the drops. “At first, I thought it was only Creil… The next two weeks promise to be difficult. "

If the problem therefore only concerns a minority of parents, all of them nevertheless have many questions. Like Catherine, a Compiegoise: “Why, when we have had cases in the hospital, we are not concerned by the closings? "

A petition, which at 9:30 p.m. had nearly 4,180 signatures, was even launched on the Internet. “For the closure of ALL schools in the Oise! Demand the organizers, who denounce "measures which are largely insufficient". And to wonder, too, about the case of Verneuil-en-Halatte, "one of the municipalities closest to the military base" of Creil, suspected of being at the origin of the spread in the Oise.

Senlis, "who shelters a large number of soldiers working in this same base", also challenges them. A questioning that the mayor (SE) of the city, Pascale Loiseleur, heard, claiming "many times", according to the website of the city, that the prefectural decree also applies confinement in the Royal City.

"If the decision has not been made, there are reasons"

"Even if we are not in the cluster (place bringing together several cases, Editor's note), our proximity to the cities concerned and the air base generates a lot of concern which had to be answered," explains the elected representative. And if closing schools is not in her power, she says she has confidence in "the expertise of the regional health agency. If the decision has not been made, there are reasons. "

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Failing to act on schools, Pascale Loiseleur however took it upon herself to close ... everything else. Extracurricular structures, day nurseries, crèche, school catering ... "No minimum service will be provided", continues the town hall.

Side atmosphere, "the phone calls, SMS or email do not stop, says the councilor, raising legitimate questions. Some parents have told me that they will not automatically put their children in school. For my part, I will take a tour of the establishments to answer questions and see how it goes. "

Same thing in Compiègne and the neighboring town of Margny, in particular. The two municipalities published a similar press release, starting with "You are many to question yourself" ...

Should students from the cluster be expelled?

The mayor (LR) of the imperial city, recalling that it is in any case a prerogative of the State, thinks in fact that "there is no kind of reason" to close the schools whereas, out of 20 cases of coronavirus detected at the local hospital, "there is not a single resident of Compiègne".

The former senator, however, questions the school heads. If it is not in his power to impose it either, he "recommends sending the students from the cluster". And this is one of the other questions which agitate the department: what to do with the students of Crépy, Creil or even Nogent schooled in other municipalities?

In Lamorlaye, a town concerned by the containment order, Nicolas Moula, mayor (LR), talks about prohibition. "I just had the prefect's office just now," he said on Twitter. Schoolchildren, middle school students and high school students enrolled in establishments outside the municipality are prohibited from visiting their establishment and must stay at home. "

"Pupils domiciled in these communes, if they are educated in another commune, are invited not to go to their establishment", confirms the Hauts-de-France region, which signals that school transport will obviously be impacted ( information on or on

Find our complete file on the coronavirus in Oise:

> The Oise on the first day of life under a bell

> Retirement homes on alert

> "We have no equipment, no information," alert Oise doctors