The Limited Times

MotoGP: Qatar Grand Prix canceled due to Coronavirus

3/1/2020, 8:12:09 PM

The Qatar Motorcycle Grand Prix, scheduled for March 8, has been canceled due to the coronavirus epidemic, the International Motorcycling Federation (FIM) announced on Sunday, adding that the races in the Moto2 and Moto3 categories were maintained.

"Due to restrictions on the movement of people from Italy (among other countries), the race of the queen category will not take place on the Losail circuit" in Qatar, which was to host the first round of the championship MotoGP 2020. The teams and riders of the Moto2 and Moto3 categories, who have been in Qatar since last week to carry out tests, are not affected by this decision, the same source said.

Several other motorsport events have already been canceled or postponed due to the Covid-19, including the Chinese GP F1 scheduled for April 19 in Shanghai and a Formula E championship test (for electric) scheduled for March 21 in Sanya, on the Chinese island of Hainan.

"Currently, all passengers arriving in Doha on direct flights from Italy, or who have stayed in Italy for the past two weeks, are directly quarantined for a minimum of 14 days," the FIM said in a statement. , also broadcast by the promoter of MotoGP.

"Italy plays a leading role in the championship and in the MotoGP category, both on and off the track, and as a result the decision has been made to cancel the race in the queen category", continues we from the same source. Several teams competing in the MotoGP championship are Italian, like Ducati and Aprilia, as well as several riders, notably Andrea Dovizioso (Ducati), 2nd in the championship last year.

Already on site, the Moto2 and Moto3 categories on track next weekend

The Moto2 and Moto3 categories participated in three days of preseason testing on the Losail circuit between February 27 and 29 and have therefore been in Qatar for several days. MotoGP competitors also participated in similar tests between February 22 and 24, but have since returned to their respective bases before the Grand Prix.

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