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Netanyahu recorded with the rabbi who recorded Bachar | Israel today

3/1/2020, 7:42:33 PM


According to a recording published in News 12, Rabbi Guy Habura, who recorded Gantz's adviser, first spoke with Netanyahu • The quality of the recording is poor and it is impossible to understand what the prime minister says

  • Netanyahu and Gantz // Photos: Oren Ben Hakon and Gideon Markovich

The news on Sunday (Sunday) released a recording from which it appears that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu spoke to Rabbi Guy Habura, who recorded Bani Gantz's adviser, Israel Bachar. The conversation between the two was held prior to the release of Bachar's recording, and it allegedly contradicts Netanyahu's claim that he was not involved. However, the quality of the recording is poor and it is impossible to understand exactly what Netanyahu is saying.

"Prime Minister, we'll do it," a spokesman for Netanyahu allegedly said. The conversation took place last Wednesday, at around 10 p.m., in Rabbi Guy's office in Central Tel Aviv, when several people were present, including the rabbi himself.

Remember, the rabbi had two long conversations in February with Bachar, who served as senior advisor to Benny Gantz and the director of the Blue and White campaign. Bachar came to the two meetings with the rabbi to consult with him on personal matters, when he did not know that the rabbi was recording the meetings. In one of the conversations with the rabbi, Bachar said that Benny Gantz did not have the courage to attack Iran and "this is a danger to the people of Israel." Following the release of News 12, Bachar Potter.

The conversation last Wednesday allegedly dealt with the way in which she would be directed to record the conversation between the rabbi and Bachar. One of the attendees responds to the things he apparently hears from Netanyahu, assuring him that Israel Bachar will be heard in his voice. Initially the rabbi himself is probably talking about the justification for advertising.

Transcription of the recording

Rabbi Guy Habura: "The Prime Minister, the Prime Minister, May Nafka Mina, what is the difference between what emerges is that the media knows a lot, more than him - and does nothing about it. What is the difference in our case? ...

SPEAKER 2: "It's obvious, we're not talking about blurring, not talking about blurring.

Netanyahu: ...

SPEAKER 2: "No, we are not talking about blurring Israel. Clearly, Israel should be in his voice, okay, obviously."

Participants in the conversation, including the rabbi, assure the prime minister that they will make sure Bachar's voice is clearly heard, without distortion, in a recording to be released for publication. The conversation lasts for several minutes, the attendees tell the Prime Minister that they will be happy to hold a "Thanksgiving dinner", also talk about a possible date. Towards the end of the conversation, the parties agree to talk again, so another section of the conversation sounds:

MALE SPEAKER 2: "Well listen, listen, Prime Minister. We heard you ... Let me get back to you for a few more minutes ... this ... this ... we received anyway. Prime Minister we will do it."


Blue and White Chairman Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz said in response to the announcement: "Netanyahu, you continue to lie to the citizens of Israel. The recordings reveal an ongoing, disorganized and nasty hate campaign that puts a knife in the heart of Israeli society. Tomorrow we must vote blue and white and cure Israeli society. "

The Likud's Twitter account reads: "Nobody forced Gantz's senior adviser to reveal the truth that 'Gantz is afraid to attack Iran and is a danger to the Israeli people.' All the rattles around are an attempt to distract from this shaky story."

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