The Limited Times

Stop the circus: Let's put an end to a parody called "Elections in Israel" Israel today

3/1/2020, 10:15:21 PM


For the third time this year - the public received an order of 8 for the ballot • The elections forced upon us again indicate the damage to the strength of Israeli democracy • But despite the damage done to the confidence of the elected officials, the big test today is not only the results but also the voting rate • After all - go to vote and decide

  • "Order 8 of the State of Israel - Go vote!" // Photo: IPA

In less than a year, we're going to - again - vote. Hello, we like pizza, but we are in Israel - not in Italy. And you forgot there was a corona. So let's finish it today. Because who knows what tomorrow will be ... a Jewish state or the state of all its citizens ... Citizens of Israel, the state calls you!

Free elections indicate the resilience of democracy. Three election campaigns, within 11 months, point to the opposite. When elected officials are uneducated to translate the will of the people into parables (possibly because of ego and personal reasons) - they have nothing left but to change their behavior, or simply - to go home. Because politics, as far as I understand, comes to promote issues, and not to poke a system or give citizens a free quarterly subscription to the ballot box.

The right block is stronger than the left block. These are facts, and my friends at Meretz-Bridge-Meretz and the joint list will forgive me. This was proven both after the April elections and after the September elections. But someone from the camp, named Avigdor Lieberman, chose to defect from the right-wing camp to which his constituents belong (who will remind him of his election posters in April?) And put (interestingly why) an entire state into a troll.

Lieberman may have realized that the "just-bibi" camp (the glorious "blue-and-white" ideology) offers many benefits: relevant and respectable (supposedly) even after retiring (ask our security and diplomats and judges), and many other sweets. The solidarity of members of this club is so exciting. How sad that the people of Israel came to the polls to spoil the exciting fraternity show. That's how it was from 1977 - with small breaks.

The March 2020 elections are not ordinary elections. A bright red light flashes in front of our eyes. Many citizens have shown mistrust of the system and its elected officials (and this is the great real concern for democracy). The big test today is not only the results, but also the turnout. Precisely because of the loss of confidence in the elected officials and the disappointment of the low election, a high percentage of voter participation is required. The voter today is the decision maker. He is the determinant. He is the carrier. Put the sixty end note to this parody called "Elections in Israel". Federico Fellini is dead, and it's a shame, otherwise he would have made us a movie: "Election 3" or a 1955 movie "Scammers 2".

Imagine for a moment what 61 seats will do for the right bloc. They will make the system paralyzed - paralyzed in the system. The choice is yours. And the choice this time is not as you think - between Netanyahu and Gantz, between "why yes" and "why not", but between repetition and routine and a sane political system - and continue to be hostage to the Lieberman-Oda duo. Israeli democracy deserves more. By the way, Mayman Odeh, who declares himself a member of a non-Zionist list, we have no expectations, even if we fight for his voters' right to an adequate representation in the Knesset and full partnership in our common state. A common state does not require a common list or coalition. In Israel 2020, I hope there is still ideology.

The Israeli public is proud of his country, proud of his homeland, proud of his economy. The public in Israel also has the gratitude, despite all that is said in the Arabian studios. Notice the vote in the developing periphery cities and surrounding communities.

In the next maple, we have the good fortune to happily - and we have what. Just a few weeks ago, more than 40 leaders from around the world came here to remember the liberation of the damn Auschwitz camp with us. Where has the gratitude gone from those who see evil in tefillin and sponge?

The Jewish state, the sweet and sometimes delusional dream, has become a reality for all of us. His miracle we wished became a miracle of routine. True, there is much to fix and Israel is far from perfect, but look around and see what happens in old and revised countries with a glorious past, look at what is happening in Europe's showcase. So let's end the troll and get back to sanity. The operation will take place, the legislature will legislate, the judge will judge, the journalist will cover and the people of Israel will choose. What do they say? Sounds fair? Even sounds democratic.

We have a historic opportunity to finally establish our borders (the century deal where so many love to belittle the left, just because it has no concessions and it is good for us), to apply Israeli sovereignty and law to Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria and the Valley while cooperating with a sympathetic US government. The alternative is to return to an era of unhelpful negotiations with those who do not want us, and give up territory for missiles and terrorism. Your choice.

We have a great opportunity to continue to work with and against Arab states, while still behind the scenes, in the face of the Iranian threat as it has not been before. And most of all, we have the right to continue living in a Jewish state that respects its minorities - but also respects what it is. And what it is - that is exactly why our heroes fought in the War of Independence - the realization of the Zionist vision and the establishment of a Jewish state. Don't believe it? Read the writings and memoirs of the ancestors of the "center-left bloc" - Ben-Gurion, Kenselenson and Golda.

And Democratic, you asked? Anyone who knows the essence of Judaism knows full well that the Jewish state cannot help but be democratic. Look around. And if you've seen Erdogan by chance, it's just because Turkey is not far away or because you suffer / enjoy a prolific imagination, or because someone chose to put it on billboards in the name of fairness and purity.

"When Adar Merbin enters with joy," the Sages say, expanding the boundaries of the Purim holiday joy for the entire month. According to the Book of Esther, Adar was "the month that made them a shield for joy." What a fun if this time, only this time, for the third time, instead of getting ice cream "We'll get a government. Get a sign. But for that, of course, you have to both vote and decide. And with every important voice on the right, pay attention to the note that you are in heaven. We have the impression that our elected officials have hearing problems. Let's hope they have three times to understand!

Woke up? You have an order for 8. The ballot box. The Jewish state calls you!

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