The Limited Times

Wife Arma, hero? He did his homework

3/2/2020, 4:36:22 PM

"Obviously the company's judgment is very pleasing, but don't say that he is a hero. Gennaro is a man of the sea, and he has done what the captains have to do: be in charge, guide and make decisions." (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - SORRENTO (NAPLES), MARCH 2 - "Obviously the judgment of the company is very pleasing, but don't say that he is a hero.
Gennaro is a seafarer, and he has done what the captains have to do: lead, lead and make decisions. " the long coronavirus quarantine. The shipping company thanked him on social media calling him "hero".
Mariana finally has a raised voice after difficult weeks, happy to be able to start the countdown to embrace Gennaro. And the commander? "Yes, he is too" says Mariana "above all he is calm for having concluded this experience in the best possible way. For having good officers and crew on his side. He called them 'Igladiators'". She and their baby can't wait to hug him. Like all Sant'Agnello, the country in the Sorrento coast where they live.