The Limited Times

1958-2020: when, why and by whom was article 49-3 used?

3/3/2020, 7:36:46 PM

ANALYSIS - Since 1958, article 49-3 of the Constitution has been used 89 times with a record of 28 appeals by Michel Rocard. Nuclear weapons, the CSG, the CPE, the Savary law: several symbolic texts were thus adopted.

This is the 89th time he has served. Eighty-nine times since the beginning of the Fifth Republic that a government uses article 49-3 of the Constitution to have one of its texts adopted. Nuclear deterrence, the Savary law on schools, the CSG, the CPE ... Many symbolic texts have been adopted in this way. Without it always succeeding for them…

● 89 49-3, 51 texts, 52 censure motions

The number of recourse to 49-3 does not however correspond to the number of draft laws concerned, since it can be used on the occasion of several readings of the same text.

Read also: Pension reform: "error", "cowardice", "weakness", reactions after 49-3

In total, this procedure was used 89 times: 56 times by six left-wing prime ministers, 32 times by eight right-wing prime ministers and 1 time, this Tuesday, March 3, by Édouard Philippe. But it concerned 51 texts, since several of them were the subject of a 49-3 on two occasions. This was the case of the military programming laws of 1960 and 1990 (governments Debré and Rocard), of a law on prices and incomes (Mauroy), on the organization of time

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