The Limited Times


3/3/2020, 11:54:17 PM

The feminist movement has managed to break the empire of the "social uses" that called harassment and abuse of power gallantry

Another 8-M is approaching, the third in Spain since the knockout of 2018. Around the world, the revitalization of the feminist movement moves the legislative and executive powers - in Argentina, the green wave has made the government have promised a law of abortion—; to the judiciary - in Spain, the Supreme Court corrects the La Manada ruling; the empire of the “social uses” that called harassment and abuse of power gallantry has been broken, and Plácido Domingo has been able to prove it; she has returned to portray - what a weariness - those who call the president of the Senate president - because the termination - before it is neutral, they say - but they have not suffered historically nor do they suffer in the present with the unfolding of the language to speak of their servant; He has put the wage gap at the forefront and has shown that the demographic crisis will not be fixed as long as they believe that the care of children, the elderly and the sick is brought to us by women assigned, and free, in the genetic code.


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A movement that becomes global, leaving the Academy and minority activism to permeate everything, putting into play, for the first time, a new concept and distribution of political and economic power, could not remain long as a happy party between colleagues. By the reaction, rude or subtle, of the established masculine power. And because of the contradictions of a world immersed in a monumental transformation. There is much confusion among millions of women in Spain who are frightened at the cross wars and fierce among feminists: the small battalions that we already see in the Coalition Government with two parties that dispute this purple flag and the great background battle over what It must be feminism 2020, how to distinguish the new realities from the traps and how to interact today with groups that have grown in parallel to the political visibility achieved with much effort by women. Battles that speak, in reality, of a living and powerful movement.

Postscript. A petition (not even essential): Perhaps, as a gender differential factor, women can manage to resolve our battles for power without insulting us or publicly denigrating us, or killing us in the Central Committee, as they have done since the times of time and to the present day. But, well, we don't have to be better either. @PepaBueno

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