The Limited Times

De Mayo: Europe refuses to blackmail the head of the Turkish regime over the displaced

3/3/2020, 8:21:11 PM

ROME-SANA, Italian Foreign Minister Luigi de Mayo stressed that Europe refuses to blackmail the head of the Turkish regime, Recep Tayyip


Italian Foreign Minister Luigi de Mayo confirmed that Europe refuses to blackmail Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan over opening his country's borders to migrants towards Europe.

The Italian Aki news agency quoted de Mayo as saying that Europe could not accept blackmail and await the convening of the European Foreign Affairs Council because we believe that what is happening on the border between Turkey and Greece requires a European response.

For his part, the President of the European Council Charles Michel stressed the necessity of a united European position in facing the problem of the flow of immigrants, considering that the borders of Greece are European borders and protecting them is a high priority, and he sent a message to Turkey through which he called for respecting the agreement signed in 2016 regarding the displaced.

The Turkish regime continues to exploit the file of immigrants in the political and financial bazaar with Europe by threatening to open its land and sea borders to migrants, especially those coming from countries of the region due to the spread of terrorism in it and which this system supports at all levels.