The Limited Times

For Elisa Carrió, the Government promoted the abortion debate with the "blessing" of Pope Francis

3/3/2020, 11:00:17 PM

The leader of the Civic Coalition criticized the President for driving the debate during these "sacred months for monotheistic religions."

03/03/2020 - 19:48

  • Clarí
  • Politics

The former deputy and leader of the Civic Coalition (CC) Elisa Carrió left Tuesday to criticize President Alberto Fernández for promoting the debate to legalize abortion and to warn that these efforts are carried out with "the blessing of Pope Francis".

"President Alberto Fernández does not realize or does it on purpose, that March and April are sacred months for monotheistic religions: Judaism, Christianity and Muslims; that at that time they address the issue of abortion, it is a horror, " said Carrió .

President Alferdez does not realize or does it on purpose, that March and April are sacred months for monotheistic religions: Judaism, Christianity and Muslims; that at that time they deal with the issue of abortion, it is a horror. And all with the blessing of our Pope Francis.

- Elisa Lilita Carrió (@elisacarrio) March 3, 2020

Through a message that she spread on her Twitter account, the ex-deputy added: " And all with the blessing of our Pope Francis ."

Carrió pronounced after the head of state, during his speech to inaugurate the ordinary sessions in the National Congress, announced that he will send a project to discuss the legalization of abortion.

"Within the next ten days, I will present a bill for voluntary termination of pregnancy that legalizes abortion at the initial time of pregnancy," Fernandez announced last Sunday. .

Thus, the national government relaunches the parliamentary discussion after the frustrated attempt to legalize abortion in 2018, when a bill achieved half a sanction in Deputies but was rejected by senators.

And according to sources from the Civic Coalition to Clarín, unlike the previous debate, now Carrió observes "a presidency of the Pope" because the Holy Father did not pronounce after Fernandez's announcement.