The Limited Times

French team: PSG refuses to see Mbappé at the Tokyo Olympics

3/3/2020, 2:15:11 PM

According to L'Équipe, the Paris club sent a letter to the FFF to say it refuses to see the PSG striker in Japan this summer.

Kylian Mbappé moves away from the Tokyo Olympics (Japan). According to L'Équipe, the PSG striker, under contract until June 2022, sees his club opposing his desire to participate in the Olympic rally (July 22 to August 8).

The sports daily reports on Tuesday that PSG sent a letter, at the end of last week, to the French Football Federation (FFF) in order to oppose the selection of Mbappé. A heavy blow for the French world champion while this objective was taking shape little by little with his pre-selection on the list of the FFF, as we had revealed on February 28 r.

“Participation in the Olympic Games, I don't have everything. Of course I want to go, but if my club, which is my employer, does not want me to go, I will not go to clash. We will soon talk about it with Leo (Editor's note: Leonardo, the sporting director of PSG) ", declared number 7 in Paris last December.

Le Graët would not have given up

"We have to manage our player, protect him and not expose him," said Leonardo. A player like Kylian Mbappé must be protected and defended. He also needs rest but we will consider all aspects when talking about it gently. "

Still according to L'Équipe, the FFF, via its president Noël Le Graët, has not given up trying to reverse PSG's opinion. “I would rather have him at the Olympics, especially for the image. It is a boy who is already on top, had advanced the president of the French Federation (FFF). But I put myself in the place of PSG. They may not really want him to do all the competitions. But I don't think they would object. In terms of image, it would be complicated for them. And for us, complicated not to select it. "

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