The Limited Times

Guillaume Tabard: "Municipal, pensions, hold before Act II"

3/3/2020, 7:30:51 PM

COUNTERPOINT - Municipal mortgage, obstacle course for pensions, Macron and Philippe are in the middle of the ford.

Regularly bad for the majority in place, the municipal authorities rarely led to a change of prime minister. Except once, in 2014, when Manuel Valls replaced Jean-Marc Ayrault. Ayrault, then, was no longer a candidate for Nantes, but had become a fragile prime minister. Édouard Philippe today is in the opposite situation. Insured at Matignon but exposed at Le Havre where he again leads the list of his outgoing majority.

If the Prime Minister is concerned with preserving his local roots, his opposition dreams of making this municipal election a national symbol. It is no coincidence that, to bring the challenge to the head of government during current affairs, the communist group dispatched the deputy Jean-Paul Lecoq, head of the list in Le Havre. Edouard Philippe was careful not to respond personally to his opponent so as not to nationalize his campaign even more. This is the paradox of this moment: the Prime Minister of Emmanuel Macron does

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