The Limited Times

Likud's greatest achievement of all time

3/3/2020, 10:48:11 PM

When is Tochfeld

The shock of the political system following the publication of the sample results, which completely contradicted all the polls conducted in the past year, contributed to fixing the Likud victory atmosphere - which may help Netanyahu form a government even in a situation where the rightist bloc did not achieve 61 seats. Netanyahu disbanded the Knesset when he received 60 seats in the 2019 elections, but things are looking different now.

Members of the Knesset, as a faction or individual, who will join the second coalition camp will be regarded less as defectors and more as those who came to save the country from fourth elections within a year. The question is whether there will be such, and whether there is a cover for security demonstrated by right-wing party leaders that defectors from the second camp are coming.

Victory consciousness does not come in a vacuum. Netanyahu did win. Likud's achievement is his greatest of all time. Approaching the achievement of Ariel Sharon, who led the Likud in 2003 to 38 seats. Parallel to this win, on the other side, Blue and White really lost. The result was a long way from what they hoped for and what could be achieved given the legal circumstances that were just closing in on Netanyahu.

That loss, too, did not come in a vacuum.

He testifies first and foremost to the void present in this venture called Blue and White. The connection between the elements that did not really exist, the modest ideological gaps, the disguise for the right, and especially the raising of the flag of the fight against corruption so high and so detached from reality, all hampered the ability of the Shetanese party, and prevented it from reaping the achievements it could actually achieve. .

Any attempt by the losing party to steal the government by legislating in the Knesset or other parliamentary measures that will co-operate with the joint list with Lieberman and others to prevent Netanyahu from forming a government and preventing the election of the people is of no avail. It is impossible to erase the election of millions in retroactive legislative elections and expect it to pass safely.

Talking to parties in the right-wing party about Netanyahu going with blue and white and not with them sounds more like a spin than a real reality. Netanyahu is committed to Bayes and he will not abandon him at any cost. Even at a walking price for another election. It would be a political suicide on his part to act differently.

The second difficult task after the first difficult task of finding the 61st finger on the coalition will be when Netanyahu is forced to divide the files. In a situation where the prime minister needs every voice, the demands are likely to skyrocket. If, for example, there is progress in joining the Gantz to the government, it is clear that the case designated for him will be security. But there, Naftali Bennett is waiting who will not move anywhere.

Still, moving it would be a little more complicated than removing Boogie Ya'alon for Lieberman's appointment. So is the demand for the appointment of Ayelet Shaked to the Justice Minister, when there is a popular and popular minister and another Likud minister who is highly regarded as a senior figure, and Netanyahu will have to decide how to act - if and when he can form a government. But these are already troubles of the rich.

See more opinions by Matti Tochfeld