The Limited Times

Municipal: candidates fled traditional parties

3/3/2020, 7:21:17 PM

Analysis of the political nuances attributed to the candidate lists in cities with more than 3,500 inhabitants shows a sharp decline in

The historic parties are not on the rise for these municipal elections. The Parisian data cell analyzed the evolution of the political nuances vying for the poll on March 15, compared to 2014. And the result is implacable: all the partisan lists that were vying in 2014 lost ground. With the exception of one party, Europe Ecologie-les Verts.

But where have the candidates from the big cities gone? Figures show an explosion of "miscellaneous" lists in the most common of more than 3,500 inhabitants. The "various right" and "various left" lists, which were already the most numerous in 2014, remain at the top, almost on a par with more than 2,200 candidates, according to figures provided by the Ministry of the Interior.

+ 34% for EELV

Conversely, the “right union” and “left union” lists, which were fairly strongly represented in 2014, literally collapsed, recording two of the three largest decreases observed during these municipal elections. The lists "union of the left" thus lost 510 candidates, against 488 for the lists "union of the right".

There remain nuanced lists with the label of traditional parties [ie without alliance, note]. EELV is therefore an exception. Julien Bayou's party, which continues to proclaim its very high ambitions, saw its number of candidates in the running increase by more than 34% compared to the last municipal election. But with 181 candidates hired, it only ranks fourth in partisan shades, behind the National Rally, Les Républicains and La République en Marche.

Socialist Party collapse

Although it presents the largest number of candidates entered on its own list, the Rassemblement national nevertheless hires fewer candidates under its name than in 2014. 389 heads of lists were invested under the RN label, against 531 six years earlier. This first position is also explained by the fact that certain parties have, for example, bet more on alliances, or simple support as was the case for LREM. Socialist or LR candidates, who were nuanced as such in 2014, have joined the very numerous "various left" or "various right" lists.

The majority party, if it has widely used this strategy, still manages to place itself in third position. Non-existent in 2014, the training this year invested 247 candidates under its own label. The two historic parties, the Socialist Party or The Republicans, recorded sharp declines. For the PS, which was the first party in number of candidates in 2014, the fall is even dizzying, by more than 74%. The Republicans manage to maintain 305 candidates, which still represents a drop of 43.5%. The upheaval of the presidential elections of 2017 went through there.